Assisted living

How To Help Your Loved One Adjust to Assisted Living

Like any other big change in your life, moving to assisted living is a transition that will take some time for everyone to get used to. For many seniors, it often feels like something that is forced on them rather than a decision they make for themselves. If this is the case, it can make the transition even more challenging for everyone involved.

While there’s not too much you can do to make your senior loved one automatically love their new home, here are a few things you can do to help them feel more comfortable.

Select a Facility That Is a Good Fit

If your senior loved one moves into a home that is not a good fit, then you are going to be facing a big challenge in the coming months. In this case, the initial unhappiness they experience may be something they never overcome. For example, if your loved one is struggling with Alzheimers, you might want to consider a specialized facility like Cedar Creek Memory Care Homes.

Take some time to research local options to find the right assisted living home for your loved one’s needs. Look at the amenities offered and read reviews to discover what other residents think of the facility. Take some time to visit several facilities together to find the one that feels right. This will also help your senior loved one find a location they are comfortable in before you make a final decision. The transition can be made easier by staying within the area they are familiar with. For instance, if your loved one currently lives in Hampshire, then Care Home Southampton would be one of the best choices.

Make Their New Room Feel and Look Like Home

Does the room they are moving into feel a bit generic? If so, they may never really feel like it is their “home.” Be sure to make the space feel and look warm and welcoming. You can do this by adding framed photos of their loved ones, decorations and wall art from their former home, drapes and sheets in the colors they like, and other small touches.

When you fill up an unfamiliar space with familiar and meaningful items, it will make it easier for your loved ones to become comfortable and see it as their own personal space.

Visit Regularly

Don’t help your senior loved one move and then disappear for long stretches of time. Be sure that you stay around to offer that essential element of home close to them – the people they love. If there is any chance that your senior loved one feels like they have been shipped off where they won’t have visits from people they love, they will never be able to see the facility as their home.

However, if they see the move as the best decision for their health and that it won’t reduce the frequency they will see their family, they can see that a facility is a good place where they can live comfortably and still maintain their important relationships.

Ensure They Have Access to Fun Activities

A senior’s hobbies and social life should not stop just because they have moved. Be sure they still have access to the transportation they need to enjoy local attractions, church, and bridge club – or anything else that has helped to keep them out of the house and active through the years.

If your senior loved one did not have any activities they participated in regularly, try to help them find something that will keep them moving. Maintaining a social circle and having a reason to leave the facility will be good for them.

Ensure Some Level of Independence

If it is still safe for your loved one to drive, that’s beneficial. However, if that’s not the case, help them find alternative options to get from place to place. The seniors should also have a kitchen if they like to cook and access to a piano if they enjoy playing.

If you want to ensure that your senior loved one’s transition to a senior living facility is smooth and that they are comfortable in their new home, be sure to keep the tips and information here in mind. Remember, this is a big adjustment for everyone involved. Being informed is the best way to make this transition and ensure everyone is happy and healthy.