Angela's Residental Care

Costa Mesa, CA - Assisted Living

Community size: Small (1-10)

Angela's Residental Care is a sensational assisted living community in Costa Mesa, California. It is within gorgeous Orange County which is part of the Golden State.

We are so enthused about Angela's Residential Care home, because we are such fans of Angela. In our work we see a wide-range of senior care facilities. And, with our mother who lived to the age of 99 we have personally experienced a variety these centers. Senior care, no matter the facility, ultimately is measured by the people who perform the caring.

Angela's Residential Care has both a fine, brand new facility and the best of personal care. Angela's Residential Care can be your home or home for your loved ones. We have taken great care to make this the most comfortable experience coming home. The personalized and tender care is what everyone is seeking. You can count on Angela's Residential Care facility to be the most secure and enjoyable place to be!

Angela's Residential Care not only offers many options for people who have different needs, but also a strong desire to maintain their privacy and independence in beautiful private rooms with private bathrooms, in a home-like setting.

The following basic services are available to all residents:
  • Continuous care and supervision.
  • Monitoring and observation for changes in physical, mental, emotional and social functioning.
  • Notification to resident’s family, physician and other appropriate person/agency of resident’s needs.
  • Lodging: single rooms only.
  • Food service: Three nutritious meals per day and between meal snacks and special diets, if physician prescribed.
  • Plan, arrange and/or provide for local transportation to medical and dental appointments.
  • A personalized activity program including arrangement for utilization of available community resources.
  • Assistance with activities of daily living, including bathing, dressing and grooming.
  • Assistance with taking prescribed and over-the-counter medications in accordance with physician’s instruction, unless prohibited by law or regulation.
  • Bedside care and tray service for minor temporary illness or recovery from surgery.
  • Care for people with terminal illness, working with hospice agencies.
Our residential care home features:
  • Large, new furnished private room with private bathrooms.
  • Cable TV, phone and wireless internet access throughout the house.
  • Main living room and dining room are for socializing.
  • Patio and backyard for inside/outside enjoyment and activity.
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