Oakwood Village Assisted Living

Zachary, LA - Assisted Living

Community size: Large (26-100)

Oakwood Village Assisted Living is a premier assisted living community in Zachary, Louisiana. It is within graceful East Baton Rouge County which is part of the Pelican State.

Staffed 24 hours a day, Oakwood Village offers seniors and their families the choices, peace of mind and value they deserve. Apartment living offers more free time, which allows one to pursue the pleasures of an active lifestyle. With a variety of programs and services tailored to each unique individual, services range from retirement-style living to providing assistance with personal care throughout the day.

Oakwood Village places the highest priority on treating residents with compassion, dignity and respect. Our mission is to nurture the spirit, protect the privacy, and promote freedom of choice and encourage independence while striving to improve the quality of life for our residents in their day-to-day environment through support services we provide.

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Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 2
Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 3
Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 4
Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 5
Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 6
Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 7
Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 8
Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 9
Thumbnail of Oakwood Village Assisted Living, Assisted Living, Zachary, LA 10

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