Primrose Retirement Community of Bismarck

Bismarck, ND - Assisted Living

Community size: Large (26-100)

Primrose Assisted Living is designed for seniors who want the privacy of an apartment home with the security of 24-hour care and service. Our bright apartments feature modern amenities and convenience. You can find assisted living apartments and services at every Primrose location.

The smaller size of Primrose of Bismarck is the perfect setting for us to focus on what we do best: building lasting and respectful relationships with residents and families!

Our nursing staff makes it their priority to get to know the individual needs and wants of every one of our assisted living residents. Our apartments provide privacy for our residents to receive customized assistance from our nursing staff. Enjoy three home-cooked meals each day, emergency pendants for added security and peace of mind, and access to a variety of activities including a traveling Wii Bowling team, church services, and outings on the Primrose bus.

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