The Windcrest on Van Dorn

Lincoln, NE - Assisted Living

Community size: Large (26-100)

Find your freedom at The Windcrest on Van Dorn, offering Assisted Living services in Lincoln, Nebraska. Featuring spacious apartments, dedicated staff available 24 hours a day and a warm community filled with the most sought-after amenities, our community invites residents to enjoy the best years of their lives. Residents are warmhearted, interesting people who enjoy the freedom of Assisted Living – freedom from the worries and dangers of solitary living and cooking and cleaning in surroundings that are kind and gracious – with the knowledge of knowing someone is always at hand if help is needed. Residents and their friends and family will also enjoy the peace of mind knowing that our spacious apartments feature convenient safety features and the comforts of home, finding the perfect balance of luxury and care. You will enjoy many features of our community including an enclosed courtyard and daily menu options served in our elegant dining room. Our excellent location puts residents near plenty of choices for dining and shopping as well as medical care in case of emergencies.

The Windcrest on Van Dorn provides Assisted Living services in Lincoln, Nebraska. Available 24 hours a day, our staff strives to offer the best services available and varying levels of care depending on the resident. Our staff offers everything from incontinence care to exercise programs. Wellness encapsulates much more than just physical wellbeing, however, which is why our staff also schedules recreational and entertainment programming.

Assisted Living Support Services

  • 24-hour staffing
  • Care plans tailored to individual needs
  • Regular personal care assessments
  • Medication administration
  • Medication management
  • Escort and transfer assistance
  • Additional housekeeping and laundry
  • Bathing, dressing and grooming assistance
  • Incontinence care
  • Standby shower assistance
  • Early stage or mild dementia care
  • Exercise programs
  • Wellness, walking, balance and exercise classes
  • Recreation and entertainment programming
  • Access to a choice of home health agencies
  • 24-hour access to licensed nurses
  • Wander Guard System

Whether you are a patient recovering from a recent hospital stay or caregiver who needs a much-deserved break, the Respite Care program offered by Capital Senior Living may be just the solution you need. Our program, based on availability and individual community services offered, provides a positive, vibrant environment for senior adults who may need some level of temporary support or monitoring in the absence of their normal caregivers through short-term stays, depending on individual needs. Through our Respite Care program, we can assist residents in regaining wellness and independence. Respite Care residents enjoy a temporary, spacious apartment with access to all of a community’s services, amenities and features.

Discover your new home at The Windcrest on Van Dorn.Our apartments strike the perfect balance between safety features and creature comforts. Residents will enjoy the peace of mind that comes from being always connected via emergency response system. Other safety features include safety-assist hand railings in bathrooms, smoke alarms and sprinkler systems as well as individual locked mailboxes for privacy.

Residents will also take advantage of individually controlled heating and air conditioning, finding the perfect temperature. Residents in wheelchairs will have no problem getting around thanks to wide entryways designed with comfort in mind.

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Thumbnail of The Windcrest on Van Dorn, Assisted Living, Lincoln, NE 10
Thumbnail of The Windcrest on Van Dorn, Assisted Living, Lincoln, NE 11
Thumbnail of The Windcrest on Van Dorn, Assisted Living, Lincoln, NE 12

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