New Haven Assisted Living of Floresville

Floresville, TX - Assisted Living

Community size: Medium (11-25)

New Haven Floresville opened in 2017. Floresville is situated in Central Texas just outside of San Antonio. The small hometown feel of this community is a big part of why we are here. We love that Floresville is known as the Peanut Capital of Texas, and the annual Peanut Festival. We are proud to serve the seniors of Floresville, Wilson County, and the surrounding areas.

Our Assisted Living residence is designed to provide a home-like environment for seniors. We also provide caring assistance with daily living activities in ways that promote independence.

Our Memory Care residence is designed to meet the dynamic needs of families and seniors dealing with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other memory related diseases. Kind, and well-trained staff provide daily assistance for seniors including reminders and redirection.

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