Vista on 5th

New York, NY - Assisted Living

Community size: Extra Large (100+)

Vista on 5th is a premier assisted living community in New York, New York. It is within enticing New York County which is part of the Empire State.

Vista on 5th views New York City as a great melting pot where people of all walks of life cross currents in a vibrant urban community. Here residents can find a range of stories and personalities that characterize neighborhoods across the city. At Vista on 5th, New Yorkers are home.

Vista on 5th offers a standard of care that can be compared only to the very best assisted living centers. We set ourselves apart through our historic commitment to providing the highest standard of assisted living. A community where individuals are heard and attended to so they can live safely as seniors, a vibrant community of New Yorkers—to people of all incomes.

Vista on 5th believes that seniors of all income groups have the right to a dignified home as New Yorkers. This means a life where they are not institutionalized or numbered, but instead, live lives as individuals within a senior community as expressive as New York.

Think of walking with a senior on your arm. You want them to be able to stride with dignity. So, you give them just enough support — facilitating their dignity and freedom as you support them. This is what we believe in. We listen to the individuals who live here, so they receive the support they need while expressing themselves in the fullest.

In our iconic location looking out over Fifth Avenue and the Harlem Meer, a block from the intersection of Duke Ellington Circle and Tito Puente Way, we set a standard for the way it should be - to be a senior at home in New York. A senior does not need to leave the great potpourri. Seniors here get to stay in the shared streets where you can run into someone entirely unlike you, from another walk of life.

Our assisted living apartments reflect the essence of New York City. In an era when senior life is too often split between the gated and impersonal, Vista on 5th celebrates bridges between socioeconomic groups, a community of individuals, and attentive care.

Vista on 5th is the place where independence is supported by attentive care, and senior citizens are celebrated through vibrant living. We can do this because of the attention we give to each resident’s voice within a community reflective of the remarkable mosaic that is New York City.

The staff at Vista on 5th listens to residents and provides the support residents need to live like New Yorkers. We offer a beautiful space adjacent to Central Park for seniors to live in the great vital stream that is the city — not just in New York, but as New Yorkers while receiving the care and support they need to remain safe and healthy. At the Center, seniors live the active lives New Yorkers are accustomed to while surrounded by people committed to their safety, well-being, and fulfillment.

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