Age In Place For Less

Seniors who age in place have a better quality of life, according to studies. While aging in place is cheaper than moving into a care facility, it’s still an expensive thing to do. CNBC reports it costs between $10,000 and $100,000 to make appropriate adaptations to a senior’s property. So, how can you make their home safe without spending a fortune?

Get a home safety evaluation 

A home safety evaluation is usually carried out by a physical or occupational therapist. They will check the senior’s abilities and needs and compare them to the features in their home. From there, they’ll suggest adaptations and modifications which need to take place to keep the senior safe in their own home. These may include things such as lowering kitchen cabinets and adding grab bars. This is financially beneficial as you can be sure the home adaptations being paid for are genuinely needed and will benefit your aging relative. The evaluation will also predict which adaptations will be needed in the future, so you can budget accordingly for them.

Utilize a waiver 

Almost 90% of people aged 50 and over wish to age in place, states Global Newswire. As this is so many people’s dream, the government allows states to use Medicaid waivers to help seniors stay in their own homes for as long as possible. Many states will therefore pay for any home adaptations needed, as well as other services which allow seniors to live independently. Bathroom modifications are commonly required and include the installation of walk in showers, adding slip-resistant flooring, and putting up handrails. General adaptations to the home which may also be covered by a Medicaid waiver include widening doorways and installing ramps.

Seek help from a non-profit organization 

The nation wants to support seniors to age in place which is why organizations, such as Rebuilding Together, were formed. The non-profit company offers a program called ‘Safe at Home’ which it does not charge for. Under the program things such as raised toilets, grab bars, and ramps are installed. They also minimize risks by installing smoke detectors and fall prevention aids. 66% of the properties the group work on have an individual aged 65 or over living in them, so they’ve helped a lot of people to successfully age in place. 

Aging in place is so important for millions of seniors. This guide shows there’s no need to worry about the cost of supporting this as there’s plenty of ways to do senior-friendly home modifications for less.