Assisted Living in Delaware

How much does assisted living cost in Delaware?

In 2020, the average cost for assisted living in Delaware was about $6000 per month. Some cities have a slightly higher cost per month such as in the Dover area with it being closer to $6200.

Does Medicaid pay for assisted living in Delaware?

For those who qualify in Delaware, Medicaid will cover part of the cost for assisted living expenses. There are many waivers in Delaware through Medicaid that help with these costs, for example, Nursing Facility Program, Long Term Acute Care Program, and HCBS Waiver. The HCBS (Home and Community Based Services) waiver has additional waivers within it to include, Elderly & Disabled Waiver and Assisted Living Waiver.

What is the average stay in an assisted living facility?

It is estimated that the average stay for someone in an assisted living facility is about two and a half to three years.

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