Assisted Living in North Carolina

How much does assisted living cost in North Carolina?

The average monthly cost for assisted living in North Carolina is approximately $3600. The areas in the state with the most expensive assisted living facilities are Raleigh and Wilmington. Burlington, Goldsboro, Rocky Mount, Jacksonville, Durham, and Fayetteville are the areas in the state with the least expensive assisted living.

Does Medicare pay for assisted living in North Carolina?

Most of the time Medicare does not give coverage to handle the costs of assisted living or long-term care. There are some situations where Medicare will cover qualified healthcare costs at a certain facility for the duration needed to live there. Medicare is generally used to cover the cost of home health care of skilled nursing facilities.

How do I pay for assisted living in NC?

One options to pay for assisted living in NC is through a state assistance program called the Special Assistance (SA) Program. This covers room and board costs for individuals to live in licensed assisted living facilities. Veteran Affairs can help provide assistance to veterans, and there is also the option of getting an eldercare loan.

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