Live Better For Longer

10 Health And Fitness Tips To Help You Live Better For Longer

Staying fit and healthy is essential to living a long and happy life. You should start incorporating healthy practices into your daily life early to make habits that will last. Monitoring and understanding your health is crucial.

Simple and minor changes to your diet, activity levels and daily habits can make all the difference to your mood and energy levels, ensuring you can make the most of your life. Here are some of our top tips to help you live better for longer.

Move Everyday – Even For Just Five Minutes

It is easy to live a sedentary life. We typically move from our beds to our cars to work and then back again. If you have a desk job, you’ll likely be seated for the vast majority of your day. This can lead to various health issues, including back pain and heart disease.

You should ensure you do some activity every day, even if just for five or ten minutes. Go for a brisk walk every morning and evening, or try out some short fitness videos online. Once this has become an ingrained habit, try to extend the amount of time you spend moving – the more, the better.

Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber helps keep you full for longer and offers more stable energy levels than other foods. Nuts, grains, fruit and vegetables all contain varying levels of fiber, so try to include a portion or two in each of your daily meals.

Schedule Your Sleep

Getting good sleep is crucial for our health, as well as ensuring we’re rested and energized for the day ahead. You could start setting your bedtime and morning routine to ensure you get plenty of sleep. Aiming for between seven and nine hours per night is ideal.

By setting a time to go to bed, you will create a routine, and your body’s natural clock will adjust to sleeping at a particular time, ensuring you get quality rest. It is also a good idea to avoid caffeine in the hours before you go to bed. Reducing your alcohol intake can also help improve your sleep quality.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial for a massive range of vital bodily functions to occur. You should ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Between three and four liters of water is ideal, depending on your age, gender and how warm it is. You will also need to drink more water if you’re doing a lot of strenuous activity.

Have Regular And Comprehensive Health Checkups

Health checkups can help you manage health issues and prevent others from developing. It is a good idea to go for a comprehensive checkup each year. You should let your physician know about any family health concerns you may have inherited so that they will know whether to send you for specialized testing.

You should find a professional, affordable clinic to get a full body scan that can help identify health concerns like cancer early on. Ezra is an excellent example of the type of specialist clinic you should choose to help screen for cancer.

Keep Your Mind Active

Keeping your mind sharp and active is crucial to getting the most out of your life. You should look into activities that can help improve your mental acuity. Things like learning a new skill or language can be a great way to exercise your brain. You could also take up hobbies like puzzles and read more.

Practice Meditation

Meditation can have an incredible effect on your mental health. There are many stresses and worries that can build up in daily life, and meditation can help you manage these stresses and prevent them from becoming a more serious issue in your life. You can find guided meditation sessions online for free or look for local yoga studios that offer in-person guided meditation.

Work Standing Up

As mentioned above, a sedentary lifestyle can have a negative impact on your health and fitness. Switching to working standing up can help reduce these risks. You could consider investing in a standing desk or a convertible one that will allow you to change between seated and standing throughout your working day.  You may be able to find equipment to help you at

Wear SPF Everyday

The sun can damage our skin after only a few minutes of exposure. This can lead to cosmetic issues like fine lines and wrinkles and more serious issues like skin cancer. You should incorporate an SPF of 15 or above into your daily skincare routine. Ensure you cover all areas of the body that will be exposed to sunlight, and wear the SPF year-round – even in winter.

Foster Lasting Relationships

Building and maintaining relationships in your life is crucial to your happiness. Relationships need care and attention to grow, so you should ensure you carve out plenty of time to spend with your loved ones. A thriving social life is crucial to help stave off common mental health issues like isolation and loneliness.