Maintain Optimal Health

5 Checkups Every Senior Citizen Should Have to Maintain Optimal Health

Checkups are not just for kids. Seniors need checkups too! It's important to go in for regular medical visits, no matter your age. Checkups can help you maintain a healthy life and avoid serious health problems that might come up later on down the road. Read more about what kind of checkups every senior citizen should have, plus how often they should be done, at our blog today!

1. Eye exam

The first checkup every senior citizen should have is an eye exam. This is especially important if you're over the age of 65, as your risk for developing vision problems increases at that point. During a routine eye exam, your doctor will check for signs of cataracts, glaucoma, and other conditions that might impact your vision. They'll also test how well you see in different directions and measure your prescription strength if you wear glasses or contacts. Eye exams should be done annually for seniors.

If you do have any vision problems, there are treatments available that can help improve your sight. For example, cataract surgery is a common procedure used to treat clouded lenses in the eyes. Talk to your doctor about the best treatment options available.

2. Hearing test

Another vital checkup every senior citizen should have is a hearing test. Hearing loss occurs naturally as you age, which can make it difficult to hear certain things like loud noises or someone's voice when in a crowded room. This problem usually worsens over time and results in difficulties listening to conversations or watching television shows at an enjoyable volume level.

Hearing tests are quick and painless procedures that measure how well your ears can pick up different sounds around them, including low tones and high pitches. In most cases, you'll be sitting down while the audiologist conducts the test so they can monitor if there is any head movement interfering with the results. If needed, another person will also take part in this evaluation by speaking from various distances away from your ear.

A hearing test should be done every two years for seniors. If you're noticing any changes in your hearing, such as difficulty understanding people or increased ringing in your ears, make an appointment with an audiologist right away. Early detection is key when it comes to treating hearing loss and they’ll also be able to provide you with some useful tinnitus information!

3. Blood pressure test

Another checkup every senior citizen should have is a blood pressure test. This is an easy test that requires you to sit still as the doctor uses an inflatable cuff around your upper arm, which will be pumped up until it cuts off circulation from your heart. The amount of air in the cuff and how long it's inflated can indicate both high and low blood pressures.

If you're diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure), there are medications available that can help lower this risk factor for serious conditions like stroke or heart attack down the road. Discuss any recommended treatment options with your physician before making any changes to your medication schedule; however, these drugs do come with side effects too! Blood pressure tests should be done once a year for seniors.

4. Dentist checkup

In addition to blood pressure, one of the checkups every senior citizen should have is a dental exam. As you age, your risk of developing cavities and gum disease increases. This makes it important to get in touch with your dentist twice per year so they can clean out any plaque or tartar buildup that might be lurking beneath the surface of your teeth.

Dental exams usually include an oral cancer screening too, which will be done by running their hands along your face and neck since these parts are not visible when looking at someone's mouth during normal hygiene checks. If needed, further testing such as x-rays or biopsies may need to take place before treatment begins if there is anything concerning found on visual inspection alone. Regular dental exams should happen every six months for seniors.

5. Prostate cancer Screening

One of the last but equally important checkups every senior citizen should have is a prostate cancer screening. This test is usually done by a doctor inserting a finger into your rectum to feel for any abnormalities or lumps that may indicate prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in men, and while it can often be treated successfully if caught early on, it's still better to be safe than sorry. If you're over the age of 50, it's recommended that you get screened for prostate cancer at least once every two years. Talk to your physician about when would be the best time for you to schedule this exam!

In conclusion, there are a few key checkups every senior citizen should have in order to maintain their health as they age. Blood pressure, dental, prostate, and hearing tests should all be done at least once a year for the best possible outcome.