5 Dairy Alternatives For Seniors With Lactose Intolerance

5 Dairy Alternatives For Seniors With Lactose Intolerance

Aging is already a hindrance for seniors and their food options, and it's even worse if they have specific diet restrictions and health problems such as lactose intolerance. Since calcium is highly essential for the body, it means you also need to consume foods rich in such a mineral like dairy products. But what if you’re lactose intolerant? Does that mean you can no longer get the calcium your body needs? Fortunately, it’s not the case. There are several dairy alternatives seniors with lactose intolerance can choose from.

Dairy Alternatives For Senior Citizens

Lactose intolerance is a digestive problem that’s common across the world. It happens when your body doesn’t produce enough lactase, which is an enzyme completely digesting whole milk. If you don’t have enough lactase, you can’t digest dairy products. When you consume lactose from dairy, they remain undigested and would move into the colon, triggering the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

So, clearly, lactose isn't a friend of yours. After finding out this condition you have, your doctor will require you to no longer consume anything with milk in it. You might also want to consider seeking another opinion or professional counseling just to be sure. Another thing you can do is to check out alternatives to replace dairy in your diet. Here are some options:

1. Milk Alternatives

Milk contains necessary ingredients that can help in supporting bone health, among other health benefits. Since you need these, it’s only sensible to look for other products that can substitute milk but can still provide the essential nutrients. 

For milk alternatives, you can consider almond milk. This type of milk continues to gain popularity for good reasons. You can easily make it on your own by blending water and almonds. Then, remove the almond pulps by straining the liquid. Or you can also simply buy almond milk in supermarkets anywhere.

For seniors, though, it’s better to go for a healthier version of almond milk, which is the unsweetened type. The calorie content in almond milk is lower than cow’s milk, and it’s also fortified with nutrients such as vitamin D, protein, and calcium.

Other milk alternatives to try are:

  • Soy milk
  • Oat milk
  • Rice milk
  • Cashew milk

A little note to remember, though, if you have an allergy to soy or nuts, it means you can’t consume cashew, almond, or soy milk. To find out more about it, talk to your healthcare provider.

2. Plant-Based Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product that’s made by fermenting milk bacteria. It contains countless live microorganisms that can help in enhancing gut health. This fermented product is also another good source of vitamin D, calcium, and other minerals. But again, since you can’t consume milk due to your lactose intolerance, you can’t eat yogurt.

However, some people can still tolerate small amounts of milk, letting them consume a small amount of yogurt as well. But if you don’t want to risk it, you can always opt for a plant-based yogurt that’s made from cashew nut, soy, and almond. Some yogurts in the market are also lactose-free, so make sure to check the label when shopping. 

Yogurts are healthier when they’re dairy-free and unsweetened. You can consider it as a dessert or even as a light breakfast option in the morning. If you can find Greek yogurt that’s dairy-free, it’s better because it’s rich in probiotics. Probiotics can help in supporting immunity and digestive health. 

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

If you’re looking for an alternative to butter, look no further because there’s extra virgin oil for that purpose. Amazingly, olive oil and butter are used interchangeably, and yet olive oil is healthier and dairy-free. If you need a product you can use for dipping, frying, baking, and basting, olive oil is the answer to your dairy predicament.

Extra virgin olive oil is more abundant in healthy fatty acids compared to regular olive oil. It's rich in vitamin E that can protect your body against skin and eye problems. And since it also has vitamin K, it has a significant impact on the blood, resulting in a healthier level of calcium and insulin in the blood.

4. Cashew Cheese dairy alternatives for seniors

Cheese is probably one of the best dairy products that are hard to resist, and it's a great reason why being lactose intolerant can get frustrating. But have you ever tasted cashew cheese before? If not, then you might be surprised to find out how it almost has no difference from the usual taste of regular cheese. 

This is because cashew cheese contains nutritional yeast that gives a tangy taste similar to that of typical cheese. The ingredients used in making cashew cheese are raw cashews, water, yeast, and agar-agar powder. While this type of cheese doesn’t contain a lot of protein, it might be enough if you’re only looking to get a hint of cheese flavor.

5. Lactose-Free Sherbet

If you’re craving ice cream and you’re lactose intolerant, you can go for lactose-free sherbet. High in fiber and dairy-free, sherbets don’t only provide a good alternative to ice cream and yogurts, but they’re also a good addition to your dietary plan. You can mix sherbet with your choice of fruits to make the flavor more refreshing and tastier. But if you’re suffering from constipation and bloating due to lactose intolerance, you may want to choose fruits that are rich in soluble fiber and potassium instead. Some options include papaya, kiwi, and banana.


Being lactose intolerant shouldn’t stop you from getting the nutrients you need as there are several dairy alternatives that can help you achieve this goal. As always, though, get medical advice from your doctor first before altering your diet, especially if you have other health issues or conditions. Always check the label when shopping for non-dairy alternatives to ensure they’re what you need.

As you age, your dietary needs are also changing. With that in mind, it’ll greatly help to stay on top of your medical requirements. Get calcium and protein uninterruptedly despite your lactose intolerance. Consider these dairy alternatives today.