Activities and Strategies for Keeping Elderly Loved Ones Active and Engaged

If there’s an elderly adult in your life that you love, you no doubt want to help them in every way that you possibly can. Sadly, it can be difficult to know what types of steps you can take to accomplish this task.

Fortunately, keeping older adults in your life active and engaged becomes far easier when you have some guidance on how to approach the process.

Here are activities and strategies for keeping elderly loved ones active and engaged.


Despite what many of us remember from school, learning is truly one of the most engaging and stimulating activities humans can engage in. This is especially true when we’re learning about topics we’re interested in.

If you’re looking for ways to keep your elderly loved one more stimulated, providing them with resources to learn is an amazing way to do so.

From remote learning resources to interesting documentaries to engaging books, there’s no shortage of ways you can facilitate learning experiences for the older adults in your life. If these loved ones are mobile, you can even make it a point to take them to educational places such as museums, aquariums, and natural landscapes.


Sadly, society has an increasingly severe problem with older adults reporting feelings of loneliness or isolation. Thankfully, you have the power to help ensure that your elderly loved ones don’t experience these negative emotions in a significant way.

By facilitating habitual social interactions for the older adults in your life, you can be sure they’ll be happier and more connected to the world around them

In addition, socializing can include a wide variety of different things which can all have a beneficial impact. Some amazing socializing options for older adults include family gatherings, social clubs, and outings to different destinations. By putting a bit of time and effort into scheduling and planning these social forays, you can ensure your elderly loved one is feeling engaged on a consistent basis.


Ask any doctor, nurse leader, or healthcare professional and they’ll tell you that exercising is incredibly important for the well-being of any patient. Given the fact that you likely want to promote good health in the elderly loved ones around you, helping them get some exercise is a great way to go about things.

The truth is, what this will look like will differ on a case-to-case basis. While some older adults are very spry, others have difficulty moving at all. This means it’s up to you to determine what type of exercise is perfect for the older adults in your life.

Some great exercise options that many older adults find pleasure in include walking, swimming, and even dancing. And, if you’re looking to be more active yourself, getting the older adults in your life to be more active can be beneficial for you too.


Unfortunately, many of us leave the act and art of playing behind when we enter adulthood. The truth is, however, that playing is incredibly beneficial and has the power to make us happier and more present.

To ensure that the older adults in your life are experiencing these benefits, it can be useful and effective to help facilitate play.

To be clear, play can come in a variety of forms. Depending on the personality and interests of your elderly loved one, how they play will look different. Sudoku puzzles, pickle ball, and even video games are some amazing and accessible forms of play that you can encourage the older adults in your life to engage in to experience more joy and stimulation.


Creativity can be defined as the act of using one’s imagination to create something new. By engaging in creative acts, we’re more likely to feel fulfilled and joyful on a regular basis. If you’re trying to get the older adults in your life more engaged, facilitating creative activities is a fantastic way to accomplish your goal.

Creating things can not only be fun and stimulating, but it can also give people a sense of purpose. By providing your elderly loved one with the tools to paint, make music, or knit, you give them an avenue to engagement and fulfillment.

This means that making creativity a priority can radically transform the lives of older adults in your life. In addition, creative activities are amazing because they can be done in both private settings and while alone. As such, you should make it a point to encourage creativity to help your elderly loved ones stay more stimulated and engaged.

There Are Many Ways to Keep Older Adults Engaged

While aging can come with its fair share of challenges, it doesn’t mean that older adults should give up on the idea of consistently doing things that make them feel engaged and active. From learning to getting creative, there’s no shortage of ways you can help your older loved ones feel more fulfilled. As such, make it a point to try out some of these suggestions and promote good health and happiness in your elderly loved ones.