Can Writing Help with Mental Health Improvement?

Mental health, along with physical well-being, is the most important thing for every person. Unfortunately, the number of mental conditions continues to grow from year to year. If you are suffering from any condition, writing might help you improve your health. Discover the list of advantages this activity might bring to you.

Before You Start

The therapeutic effect of writing can be received only in case you truly like this activity. Moreover, sometimes writing might even worsen your symptoms! This rule works for students who often suffer from study stress and anxiety before passing their academic assignments to the professor. So, what should you do this way?

It is important to know that there are many websites that provide academic assistance online. These solutions might often become truly life-saving if you feel exhausted, anxious, or depressed because of your studies. You can choose 99papers or any other popular website and get all your academic assignments done by professional writers in no time. This way, you will have a chance to get some rest, unwind your mind, and improve your mental health within the shortest terms.

What is more, it is necessary to choose a reliable service only. You can find tons of reviews shared by other learners online. For example, feel free to explore a recent - edubirdie review, check other available solutions and select the most reliable and user-friendly option. If you are not a student and would like to try writing to improve your health, find out the most amazing ways to use this technique for the best effects.

Free Writing

The most important thing you should know about the health benefits of writing is that you should use free writing. What does it mean? You don’t need to write about some books or movies you’ve recently read or seen. You also shouldn’t rewrite any articles or something you found online. Free writing is about sharing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Many beginners fail to start writing just at once. They don’t actually know what to write about. If you are one of them, there is a handy lifehack on how to try this activity. You might try to describe your day. Make some notes of what happened to you during your day, what events made you feel sad or disappointed, as well as share some facts that made you feel happy.

This way, you will not even notice expressing both positive and negative emotions. As a result, you will start feeling more relaxed, like if you have a nice talk with your best friend.

Clear Some Space In Your Head

Sometimes you might feel overloaded by tons of facts, emotions, events, and thoughts. This often happens when you face some serious difficulties, work a lot, or suffer from particular negative events. In this case, writing can help you clear some space in your head and feel fresher and more relaxed. Moreover, this technique will also give you a chance to start looking for new positive experiences and emotions.

How can you free up your mind? Just write down the things that make you worry, feel anxious, stressed, or disappointed. If you are suffering from mental pain after a particular negative event in your life (for example, you might have lost a close friend or relative, got divorced, etc.), writing might help you relieve it. If you write down your feelings and emotions day by day, you might soon notice that your mood is getting back to normal.

Practice Mindfulness

Free writing can be considered a type of meditation. Its main goal is to free up your mind and feelings, unfocus, and get at least a temporary rest from all your worries. Many healthcare experts also recommend combining yoga, meditation, and writing to get the best effects of all these practices.

So, what about mindfulness? Mindfulness is about trying to be in the moment and acknowledging your feelings. What are you feeling this very second? Do you have any pain? What disturbs you the most? It is important to practice mindfulness in free writing to improve your mental health faster.

Feel Less Lonely

Many people are suffering from loneliness. If you are one of them, writing might help you cope with this common issue. The reason is that free writing has many similar features to writing a diary, so you might describe your emotions as if you were talking with yourself or your best friend. As a result, you will express your feelings and feel relief after each writing therapy.

All in all, writing can provide you with many mental health benefits. If you still hesitate about whether this technique is good for you, just try writing at least a few times. You might not like it for the first time, but you will soon notice its positive effects. As a result, you will have an opportunity to improve your mental health in an easy and comfortable way.