Choosing the Right Rehab Facility
It is never easy to take the first step onto the road to recovery from drugs, alcohol, or any other form of addiction. Most people put a lot of pressure on themselves to conform to what is expected of them from society, and others often judge addiction issues.
We will explore how you can get support with an addiction and considerations to make for the rehab facility you use for help.
Asking for Help
The level of negative judgment experienced when someone is struggling with addiction is a contributor to why so many people do not openly discuss their addiction. Admitting a problem is the first step to getting help and support.
However, it is important to note that admitting you have an addiction issue does not mean that you need to tell your closest friends and family that you need help.
Suppose you do not feel comfortable speaking to those you are close to. In that case, you seek out the help of a sponsor via Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous or by speaking to a medical professional in the first instance.
Seeking Out Treatment
Seeking out addiction treatment can take a variety of forms. The three most common treatments for addiction are in-patient treatment at a rehab center, outpatient treatment via a medical professional, or informal treatment via Narcotics or Alcoholics Anonymous.
In-patient treatment is appropriate in the case of severe addiction, where continuous medical monitoring is required. Medical detox is best completed under strict medical supervision. In-patient facilities such as Anormed rehabilitation treatment will include medical supervision and counseling sessions.
In-patient treatment is also effective if you cannot remove yourself from the temptation of relapse while detoxing. Inability to remove temptation can include living with other addicts or working in an environment where temptation is constantly present.
Removing yourself from the tempting situations if you cannot remove the temptations from your surroundings is the best way to combat the temptations. If you complete in-patient treatment, you can avoid the temptations until you are feeling strong enough to resist the temptation outside of the treatment center.
Outpatient treatment includes medically managing withdrawal from either drugs or alcohol via a prescription that can be administered at home. Outpatient treatment is effective for mild to moderate addiction where withdrawal still needs to be medically monitored but is not so dangerous as to require in-patient support.
Outpatient treatment can be administered by either a doctor’s practice or a rehab treatment facility. When first accessing outpatient addiction support, a treatment plan will be created to ensure that all parties are aware of appointments, treatment plans, and progress expectations.
Probably the most commonly thought of addiction treatment is to attend Narcotics or Alcoholics Anonymous. Attending meetings is often portrayed in books, TV shows, and movies, so most people are familiar with the idea of standing up and discussing the addiction issues and behaviors they are experiencing.
Meetings are often also used to mark how long a person has been sober for and a way to find a sponsor. You can contact a sponsor when additional support is required, or temptation is experienced. It is a relationship to take seriously on your journey to getting sober.