Common Misconceptions About Rehab Centers

When you’ve never been to a rehabilitation center before for support with drug and alcohol addictions, it’s only natural not to understand what they do and how they can help. Your only experiences with them might be from TV shows, movies, and news headlines involving celebrities. However, many common statements made about rehabilitation and treatment centers aren’t actually accurate, such as the following:

Myth: Rehab Centers Are Only for Young People

While it’s true that many people within a treatment center like the rehab center in Fort Lauderdale fall within the younger age bracket, anyone of any age can seek drug and alcohol treatment. Older people might not always recognize the need for treatment, but there are plenty of facilities offering programs made specifically for older adults. If you or someone you know has a drug or alcohol problem, help is always available. Reach out, and you’ll likely find the support you need.

Myth: Rehab Is Only for the Rich and Famous

When you have very little money, you might not think rehab is an option for you. After all, we often only hear about rehab facilities when rich and famous people check themselves in after suffering from alcohol and drug addictions.

Despite the association between celebrities and rehab facilities in the public eye, rehabs are for anyone needing a helping hand freeing themselves from the grasp of an addiction. Many rehab facilities cater to people with various budgets, and the World Health Organization is also looking for ways to integrate rehabilitation into health financing.

Myth: Only People With Severe Addictions Need Rehab

While it’s true that many people who enter rehabilitation centers have severe addictions, you don’t have to wait until you’re at rock bottom before seeking help. Anyone of any age experiencing an addiction can explore their rehabilitation facility options and get the rest, recovery, support, and education they need to get their lives back on track.

Myth: Rehab Is All About Therapy Sessions

Anyone can benefit from therapy, be it light therapy, talk therapy, or physical therapy. However, some people are put off exploring rehabilitation centers because they worry that most of their stay will consist of therapy sessions.

While talk therapy is a common element of rehab, there’s much more to the average facility than meets the eye. Rehab clinics typically cater to many different interests, meaning you can take part in many activities you might enjoy in everyday life, like music, massage, games, and electronics. Rehab facilities also typically offer a range of therapy types, like family therapy, art therapy, and even animal-assisted therapy.

Myth: You Have to Go Cold Turkey In Rehab

Detox is a significant part of attending rehab, but you won’t always be required to ‘go cold turkey’ on drugs and alcohol. Detoxes are medically assisted, which means you will be under constant supervision. You will also likely be provided with medications to ease withdrawal symptoms and make you as comfortable as possible while your mind and body learn to be without drugs and alcohol.

Rehab facilities can be helpful for many people from all walks of life. No matter your age, background, or addiction, you’ll surely find that a rehabilitation center offers what you need to get your life back on track.