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How To Treat Blood Clots
Blood clots are formed to prevent bleeding in our bloodstream and they are a normal part of our immune system. When any part of our body is hit by an impact or sustains an injury then our platelets become sticky due to which they collect red blood cells creating a clot. Clotting of blood is important to heal the injury. When the blood does not clot then diseases like hemophilia occur in which the patient keeps on bleeding. Those blood clots which occur due to inflammation or blockage in the blood vessels are dangerous for the person’s health.
Types of blood clots
There are some blood clots that may prove to be somewhat good, evil, and in-between. They are as follows:
- Deep vein thrombosis occurs in the legs and arms. These blood clots may block the arteries resulting in less supply of blood to that particular part of the body. The affected part becomes red with inflammation and swelled up.
- Good blood clots or thrombi are necessary for healing from an injury.
- Evil clots block the arteries leading to our heart and lungs and may be life-threatening.
Causes of blood clots:
There are several causes of blood clots that can happen to healthy people as well. Blood clots can develop in exceptional conditions like if you:
- Are obese
- Smoke
- Had a history of blood clots before
- Met with an accident
- Sustained a head injury
- Just gave birth to a baby
- Had an inflammatory disease
- Could not move due to weakness in any part of the body
Prevention of blood clots
Blood clots can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyle changes. These changes can prove to be beneficial for you in the long run. There are some do’s and don’ts that you must be fully aware of and must apply in your daily life for a prolonged life span.
- Be active as much as you can by taking part in physical activities
- Stay hydrated all the time to avoid dehydration. Water intake is an important way to prevent blood clots
- Lose extra fats if you are overweight because extra weight can put pressure on your arteries
- If you are on long flights then wear flight stockings. A good pharmacist can suggest you regarding it
- Do not sit on a spot for a longer period of time
- Avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol as it can make you dehydrated
- Avoid smoking
Treatment of blood clots:
Anticoagulant medications like Eliquis are prescribed for the thinning of the blood. These medications help in keeping the existing blood clots from getting bigger and prevent the body from forming new clots. You can easily get these medications from any good pharmacy like 90daymeds which is an online Canada-based pharmacy that specializes in providing authentic medicines at affordable rates. You can easily get an Eliquis coupon by ordering from their website. Do consult your doctor before taking this medicine as it is usually administered in a hospital especially during the first 5 to 10 days of diagnosis. At-home treatment is also available for patients with a low-risk profile.