Innovations in Geriatric Nursing That Have Increased Accessibility to Elderly Care

This is a strange time in American history where the number of elderly persons easily outweighs other generations in terms of medical need and care. This steady increase has and is putting a stain on medical institutions and as such, the need for responsible workers and efficient means of providing care is growing.

Geriatrics, the field of medicine that focuses on elderly populations, while leaning into the multiple components of mental, emotional, and physical health, requires a unique set of skills and approaches to patient care. The number of complications that arise, and steadily increase with further aging, means that the way care is given often differs compared to other age groups. The broad stroke of disciplines that are a necessity in elderly care means that new techniques and innovations are needed in combination and in addition to what typical medical care may look like.

On top of a high rate of chronic conditions, bodily frailty, and slow healing, many patients also suffer from psychological concerns like dementia and Alzheimer’s which can further complicate the ways and means by which care is offered.

In order to offset some of these many challenges and ensure that the best type and distribution of care is given there have been a number of ideas which have emerged over the decades.

Here are some of the many innovations in nursing and geriatrics that have steadily increased effectiveness and accessibility to the elderly in modern geriatric care.

Innovative Approaches to Modern Geriatric Care


Though telemedicine is not a new idea— being that it's been in service for about decade now— the ease and availability to work with patients has made it a standard option when working with the elderly. There are so may real-world issues that can complicate elderly persons receiving consistent health care— not being able to drive, difficulty moving, lack of resources— whatever the case may be, without some type of assistance, many people simply don’t have the ability to make it to their appointments and thus feel less interested in doing so. This can greatly complicate the healing process, especially after invasive procedures.

Telemedicine removes much of the need for people to travel to see a doctor for a simple checkup and the video capabilities means that examinations can still take place even if they are not ideal. Additionally, regular check-ins have been shown to increase the likelihood of patient compliance with medication and exercises that typically accompany post-op therapy. This in turn increases the speed and likelihood of healing.

Remote Monitoring Services

Remote monitoring technology— the use of various technology, medical devices, and sensors— are able to track a patient’s health numbers. Statistics like general vital signs, attention to regular activity levels, whether or not medication recommendations are being adhered to, and much more, are all metrics that can be measured from a distance. Such data is collected, monitored and then transmitted to various healthcare providers.

The data made easily available and accessible by the multiple parties that may be involved in a patient's specific ailment, enables medical professionals to monitor patients from a distance and even offer intervention if the need arises. These innovative tools have revolutionized the way healthcare providers, such as family nurse practitioners, can care for elderly patients, allowing for continuous monitoring and proactive interventions.

Mobile Clinics

The level of disparity that exists in some communities and the availability of access to sound medical care can be quite concerning. While there are many factors that can contribute to this, there is a great solution: Mobile Clinics.

Mobile clinics are essentially healthcare facilities on wheels. Typically built into large scale buses or vans, these vehicles are equipped with a wide range of medical tools suited to the general or specific needs. Being staffed with healthcare professionals who are all trained and knowledgeable, these clinics can travel to different locations, making them an ideal solution for reaching elderly communities that have had challenges in accessing more traditional healthcare offices. The services are only limited to the imagination and the specifications tailored to each vehicle.

Mobile clinics have been a wonderful asset in providing preventive care in situations like natural disasters, but they can also be utilized to reach remote elderly populations. Providing regular check-ups, a host of detailed screenings, prescriptions and vaccinations all while assisting in medical officers’ ability to identify and address health issues. The hope is to interrupt the cycle of poor healthcare in disadvantaged and challenged populations, and in so doing, raise the health of entire communities.