Navigating Wrongful Death Lawsuit and How to Get Fair Settlement

Losing a loved one is one of the most devastating experiences in life. You are entitled to compensation if someone else's negligence caused your loss. Even though no amount of money can ease the grief, a wrongful death lawsuit can help you get the cash you need to support your family and give you closure.

In most cases, there are two ways to seek compensation for the death of a loved one – filing a claim with an insurance company or filing a lawsuit. With the help of a lawyer, a surviving spouse can file a wrongful death lawsuit. You’ll need to gather evidence, prosecute the at-fault party, and prove the damages your family sustained.

Critical Factor in Wrongful Death Claims

A wrongful death claim seeks compensation from a party that has caused someone to die due to negligence. A critical factor in this case is to prove fault. This can be challenging without expert guidance from attorneys.

The deceased's family usually files the case and seeks financial compensation for any losses they have suffered.

In many ways, personal injury lawsuits and wrongful death claims are similar. But the latter happens when an accident results in death. Also, in a wrongful death, the family or a representative pursues the case against the at-fault party. 

Is It a Civil or Criminal Case?

Wrongful death lawsuits are civil suits that people or families file against others, businesses, or companies. Often, when a death occurs, someone is also charged with homicide, murder, or manslaughter. Crimes are prosecuted by the state when they are committed in violation of the law. There is a possibility of jail time as a penalty.

A wrongful death case has a different standard of proof from a criminal case. To prove the elements of a crime, the prosecutor must prove them beyond a reasonable doubt. However, in a civil case such as a wrongful death lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove the case by a preponderance of the evidence.

Wrongful Death Settlements

Once liability is established, the focus shifts to determining appropriate compensation or damages. Due to the unique nature of each case and the involvement of numerous factors, calculating average wrongful death settlement amounts can be tricky. A younger victim might be able to command a higher settlement because they have a longer expected work-life period.

Determining Settlement Amounts

A variety of factors influence settlement amounts in wrongful death cases. There are many losses associated with the passing of a loved one. These include lost wages, medical expenses incurred before death, and burial expenses. These can also comprises intangible losses such as mental distress and loss of companionship. Each element requires careful evaluation.

Calculating economic damages is generally straightforward because they are based on tangible figures. However, an experienced attorney's analysis can effectively communicate to insurance adjusters or juries regarding noneconomic damages such as emotional suffering and loss of companionship.

It is also possible to seek punitive damages when negligent behavior leads to the death of a loved one. These types of compensation don't focus on compensating survivors but rather on punishing wrongdoers and deterring others from following the same path.

How to Negotiate a Settlement

Both parties generally enter into negotiation rather than going directly to trial. This saves time and money and gives the parties more control over the outcomes. However, you shouldn't let this fool you; negotiations aren't easy. Getting just compensation for your loss requires expert advocacy by your attorney.

Police reports, witness statements, medical records, and other evidence collected during the investigation phase will help your lawyer develop solid arguments. By doing this, you can ensure that you get the best settlement possible.

Wrongful Death Settlement Payments

You can receive a wrongful death settlement in two ways: a lump sum or structured payments. It depends on who pays the settlement. Insurance companies with many financial resources can make lump sum payments faster. Meanwhile, individuals may need time to accumulate funds.

  • Lump Sum Payments: The at-fault party or insurer pays a lump sum settlement. In some cases, the plaintiffs' representatives may receive a check after the settlement of the case. 
  • Structured Settlements: With structured settlements, payments can be made in smaller installments over time. The parties usually pay these installments monthly. But they can devise another arrangement that suits them. 

Get Help From an Experienced Lawyer

A thorough understanding of wrongful death settlements can help you at such a difficult time. It is essential to remember that every case is unique, with varying settlement amounts depending on factors like the severity of the wrongdoing and the exceptional circumstances. 

The wrongful death claim process can be complex, from proving fault for the death to calculating damages. An injury lawyer has the experience to construct a strong case and the expertise to get you the best results.