Ultimate Guide When Packing Stuff For Home Renovation

Home renovations often leave behind a lot of debris and rubble everywhere. Worse, if you have some items in your home while the renovation is ongoing, they could get damaged. The good news is that some storage services authorize you to store away your belongings while the renovation is ongoing. This article will help you learn how to pack your belongings for home renovations.

Steps to Pack Belongings for Home Renovation

Do these steps to ensure your belongings won’t be damaged during renovations. Ensure not to miss or skip any of these steps to keep your belongings in working condition:

1. Downsize and Remove Unnecessary Clutter

If you have a lot of clutter and unneeded items, you must dispose of them properly. Reduce your clutter in advance. The main reason is that the moment you declutter in advance, storage facilities cost money. More items mean more expenses for you to cover. Some items might not match the decor once the home renovation is finished or are no longer needed.

2. Choose a Convenient Storage Service Wisely

Contact a storage facility or service such as https://www.wilsonstorage.com.au. Storage services will significantly impact the condition of your belongings as they’ll protect your items during the renovation process. Once the renovation is done, you can proceed to reclaim your items. However, there are notes to consider for a storage service:

  • First, ask people for some recommended storage services.
  • Next, tour the storage facility and ask how they keep pests out and how they keep their facility climate-controlled.
  • Ask when their facility is open when you wish to access your storage area.
  • Inquire about their security measures and how they keep items intact.

3. Label Your Items in Boxes

Label the boxes where you’ll place your belongings before bringing them to the storage facility for proper organizing. There’s nothing more annoying than finding your items after the renovation because the boxes aren’t sorted out accordingly.

If you have furniture among your belongings, disassembling them first is advised. It takes a lot of effort to store fully-assembled furniture properly.

4. Form a Checklist or Inventory of Packed Items

An inventory list is important when packing stuff for home renovation. It ensures that you have a checklist for all items you will send to a storage facility. A checklist also prevents losing items and saves you the trouble of finding a specific item. Plus, a checklist works hand in hand with labeling.

Look For A Storage Facility For Safekeeping Your Items

Indeed, properly packing your items in advance when your home is about to be renovated is essential. As a homeowner, remove or properly dispose of unneeded items. Look for a suitable storage facility to store your items. Prepare boxes and label them and start storing away your items before sending them to the storage facility.

Also, don’t forget to have a checklist to ensure nothing is missing. Once you follow these steps, you’ll easily handle the renovation situation. Also, you can create a new room layout once the renovation is done.