What Are The Benefits Of An MRI Scan?

Have you been invited for an MRI scan and aren’t sure what the benefits of the scan will be? Maybe you want more information about the process before heading for your scan? Whatever your reason is, we have the answers for you.

Today, we have teamed up with Mermaid Beach Radiology to help you learn everything you need to know about the benefits of an MRI scan before you have one.

What Is An MRI Scan?

An MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a scan that produces detailed images of your body. Strong magnetic fields and radio waves are used, helping doctors see what is happening inside your body. The scan involves you lying in a large tube for the duration of the scan, which usually takes around one hour.

MRI scans can examine most parts of your body, including:

  • Internal organs like your womb, prostate gland, or liver
  • Blood and heart vessels
  • Breasts
  • Joints and bones
  • Spinal cord and brain

The results from an MRI scan can diagnose a condition, assess the effectiveness of previous treatments, and help doctors create new treatment plans. Before having an MRI scan, your doctor will likely outline the reasons why, and what they are looking for, and explain the process to you in detail.

What Are The Benefits Of An MRI Scan?

An MRI scan has several benefits, including better contrasts and clearer images than other imaging technologies. We have outlined the benefits in more detail below.

They Offer Better Imaging

Unlike CT scans, an MRI offers better imaging, showing the differences between fat, muscles, water, and other soft tissues. This allows your doctor to see a clear picture of what is happening in your body, making diagnosing and creating a treatment plan easier.

An MRI scan also shows swelling and inflammation, along with 3D and cross-sectional images of your body, giving doctors an understanding of your condition. The clearer images also reduce the risk of an incorrect diagnosis, providing you with faster access to the treatment you need.

There Is No Radiation

One of the biggest benefits of an MRI scan is that it does not expose patients to radiation. PET scans, CT scans, and X-rays expose patients to small doses of radiation, which can have some nasty side effects. You don’t have to worry about this with an MRI scan!

The lack of radiation also makes MRIs suitable for patients who are vulnerable to radiation effects, like babies and pregnant people.

They Can Spot Cancer

MRI scans can help identify tumours in your body, speeding up cancer diagnosis. The scan shows differences in water content and blood flow between tissues, which can help diagnose cancer. Cancerous tumours grow their own blood vessels, giving them a larger blood supply than surrounding tissues. An MRI scan can show this, helping you get the correct diagnosis.

They Offer An Easy Diagnosis

MRI scans can also diagnose many abnormalities and diseases in their early stages, providing patients with earlier access to the treatment they need. They can also monitor any changes in tumours or growths, allowing treatment plans to be amended when needed.

They also allow you to monitor joint conditions or sports injuries, where you can see how blood moves through organs and vessels, detecting blockages or circulation issues that could worsen your injury or increase recovery time.

Are There Any Dangers Linked To An MRI Scan?

An MRI is not without its risks. While an MRI is considered a safe procedure, there are a few risks that you should be aware of. Your doctor will likely explore these in more detail with you, but we have outlined the key points below:

  • The radiofrequency energy used can heat your body, causing you to feel warm or overheat, especially during long scans
  • The magnetic fields can cause loud knocking noises as they change. Ear protection must be used to prevent any damage
  • The magnetic fields can cause peripheral muscle or nerve stimulation, which will feel like a twitching sensation
  • The strong magnetic field can attract objects, which can damage you or the scanner. Cell phones, keys, floor buffers, and other items should be kept far away from the machine during your scan

Final Thoughts

While being invited for an MRI scan can seem scary, many benefits make it an excellent option for patients. Not only is it free from radiation, but the detailed images can allow your doctor to diagnose you quickly and create the right treatment plan for you. While there are some minor risks, the benefits certainly outweigh them!