Dudneywood is a fine assisted living community in Magnolia, Arkansas. It is within alluring Columbia County which is part of the Natural State.
Dudneywood is for you, your family and your friends... a place with staff you can trust -- a place to feel safe and comfortable -- a place of caring -- a place to laugh -- a place to learn -- a place to medicate and reflect -- a place to relax -- a place to enjoy friendships -- A place you can proudly call home.
Services are provided according to the needs and desires of each resident. The resident has choices to ensure that wants and needs are satisfied to the fullest by professional and trained staff. Basic core services are provided to everyone and the level of care services will vary by the individual's needs. Dudneywood offers four levels of care to allow a resident's needs to be addressed as health requirements may change. Basic core services, special services, and ancillary services may be obtained and coordinated by staff as needed. Additional fees are charged according to additional needs and requests beyond basic core services. Dudneywood strives to maintain affordable rent with an adjustable rent scale to charge only as services or assistance with activities of daily living are needed. Resident health, happiness and total wellness are the priority focus at Dudneywood.
Basic Core Services for Retirement and Assisted Living
- 24 Hour Staffing with Nurse Availability
- Emergency Call System
- Three Nutritional Planned Meals Daily
- Scheduled Snacks -- 3 Times Daily
- Daily Planned Social Activities
- Routine Religious and Fellowship Services
- Scheduled Group Exercise -- Six Days a Week
- Exercise-Wellness Equipment Use Individually
- Local Transportation for Medical Appointments and Scheduled Shopping Errands
- Weekly Housekeeping and Laundry
- Notary Service
Special Services for Additional Fees
- Individualized Transportation or Shopping for Special Needs
- Medication Management and Storage
- Health Management Services -- Varies with Level of Care
- Personal Care with Hygiene, Health and Daily Activities of Living
- Guest Meals and Room Tray Service
- Personal toiletries or items purchased for Resident or item acquired in Dudneywood Gift Shop
- Fax, Copy and Postal Supplies
Ancillary Services for Additional Fees
- Beauty Shop - on Site
- Manicurist - on Site
- Physical Therapy -- coordinated as needed
- Home Health -- coordinated as needed
- Registered Dietician for Diet Modifications -- as needed
- Ironing Services - on Site
- Private Companion Assistance -- coordinated as needed
Dudneywood adopts the Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) and the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) Ten Principles of Care:
- Offering cost effective quality care personalized for the individual needs.
- Fostering independence for each resident
- Treating each resident with dignity and respect
- Promoting the individuality of each resident
- Allowing each resident choice of care and lifestyle
- Protecting each resident's right to privacy
- Nurturing the spirit of each resident
- Involving family and friends in care planning and implementation
- Providing a safe, residential environment
- Making the residence a valuable community asset
- Gift Shop
- Post Office
- Nursing Services
- Beauty Shop
- Exercise Room
- Vending and Visitation Areas
- Sun Porch
- Library
- Activity Center
- Lobby with Fireplace
- Chapel
- Prayer Garden/Courtyard
- Three Dining Areas
- Tranquil Setting with Pond