Moonlight Manor is the result of comprehensive research as to what was needed for superior quality care for the elderly and what was actually available in the community.
After touring many assisted living homes with the intention of purchasing one for our own business we concluded that even through there were some nice homes run by nice folks, there was not one where we ourselves would have wanted to be placed should that need arise. More often than not residents were sharing a bedroom with another resident and even when private bedrooms were available they were still sharing a bathroom with several other residents. This was not the “feel” of the home we wanted to own and operate.
In early 2007 we purchased an acre of land in a quiet yet convenient area of Surprise and got busy with the planning and construction. By October of 2009 Moonlight Manor Assisted Living Home, our truly beautiful and state of the art facility, was open and accepting residents. We are proud of the home we provide for our residents as well as the stellar reputation we have earned within our industry and community.
We want nothing but the best here at Moonlight Manor. It is our belief that the residents we are privileged to care for have worked hard all their lives and deserve only the best in the final leg of their journey here on this earth. It is our mission to see to it that that journey is as enjoyable as possible.