Roseleaf Senior Care

Chico, CA - Assisted Living

Community size: Medium (11-25)

Roseleaf Senior Care is a nice assisted living community in Chico, California. It is within bright and cheery Butte County which is part of the Golden State.

Roseleaf Senior Care provides assistance to 16 residents in a comfortable, intimate, and home-like setting. Our community is easy to navigate and caregivers are always accessible to help when needed. We offer services to non-ambulatory individuals and those with dementia. Our secured doors and fenced garden areas allow freedom of movement and safety.

With the challenges of aging, we begin to notice that the regular routine of daily living becomes more time consuming and strenuous than it used to be. Life becomes difficult, our familiar routines are overwhelming and we no longer have time for the things we enjoy.

Providing compassionate care at Roseleaf allows seniors with dementia to find satisfaction in life. Family and friends can re-establish healthy relationships and feel good knowing that caregivers are providing all the necessary physical care.

Roseleaf Assisted Living offers 24-hour care regardless of activity level, age or physical condition. In keeping with our commitment to excellent senior care, we customize each resident's experience allowing them to worry less about chores like cooking and cleaning and focus their newly found time on more important things, like life enriching activities and breakfast, lunch or dinner with loved ones. Join us and enrich your life!

Here at Roseleaf, we understand that every dementia resident can benefit from socialization and that by using all five senses in a purposeful way each day, positive effects are achieved. Roseleaf's Memory Care Program offers activities and an atmosphere that helps to stimulate these senses, helping to reduce anxiety, improve concentration, self-esteem and alertness for our residents. Roseleaf activities are focused and our Life Enrichment Coordinators are trained in recognizing positive responses to encourage those long term memories among our residents.

It can be stressfull for caregivers providing assistance to friends or family members. Roseleaf's Short-Term care can provide a nice break so that you can recharge while your loved one receives the attention they need in a safe and comfortable environment. If you have plans to travel and can't provide in-home care assistance, Roseleaf can help!

Roseleaf's Hospice and Palliative care services focus on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious disease or impending loss. Residents and family members can rest easy in knowing that our ultimate goal is improvement of quality of life. Whether you need help managing a disease or your loved one is already in the final stages of life, our Roseleaf communities, located in Chico and Oroville, California are here to help.

Life is defined as, "the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual". The enjoyment of life is realized through the normalcy of an active enriched life. Our Life Enrichment program provides the opportunity for our residents to explore one's own self directed interests through the participation in club activities. Club activities are created through personal interviews with residents and families to guide development of clubs that encourage social participation, purposeful activities and positive interactions. Our creative team organizes each club activity with residents, families and volunteers. You are invited and we encourage our families to participate and become active members of our community as well.

Roseleaf is founded with the goal of providing comprehensive care programs like no other. We celebrate our residents' life legacies, respect individuals, and offer the upgraded lifestyle that we all deserve. We foster a culture that values strong family ties, and strive to build community both within our facilities as well as within the community at-large.

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