Bright Minds Residential Care is an owner-operated 24/7 residential care facility for elderly located in Fairfield, California. The facility is designed to serve males and/or females who are ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Bright Minds residential care is licensed by California Department of Social Services-Community Care Licensing Division.
Bright Minds Residential Care provides services to elderly people who need support with daily meals, activities of daily living, acquisition/assistance with help self-skills, assisting in medications, personal hygiene, support with physical challenges in coordination and/or mobility, and may need support or intervention.
Bright Minds Residential Care is a top-notch residential care home situated in Fairfield, CA. We offer loving, thoughtful care for aging elders in a family-styled home like environment. Bright Minds Residential Care advocates and promotes resident choices, independence, and well being, in a healthy, supportive and culturally sensitive environment. We provide support to help prevent acute illness and decompensation in order to avoid elderly resident having to seek a more restrictive level of care.
We are committed to providing an environment that is rich in social stimulation, recreational activities, and opportunity to pursue hobbies, interests and vocational pursuits. Age or disability, unusual behavior, physical limitations and self-help deficits should not prevent individuals from participating fully in community, family and social life.
Bright Minds Residential Care provide supports and services necessary to assist the resident to live the life he or she wants and to achieve his or her own personal goals. Adaptations, such as providing trained caregivers to assist with specific tasks, are addressed as part of the transition and ongoing planning process.
The mission of Bright Minds Residential Care is to advocate and promote resident choices, independence, and well-being in a healthy, supportive, and culturally sensitive environment.
Bright Minds Residential Care understands that proper nutrition and exercises are important for long-term health, specifically in areas such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, heart problems, bowel habits etc. Via proper nutrition and the encouragement of exercise, Bright Minds Residential Care will try to enhance the overall health and well-being of our clients.
Lifelong learning is a key component of a rich and fulfilling life; therefore expanding horizons is a major part of the planning and support assessed and put into place for each individual. It is the desire of Bright Minds Residential Care to facilitate identified changes in services and supports with as much flexibility as current rules and regulations allow, using both formal and informal assessment strategies on an ongoing basis.
At Bright Minds Residential Care we pride ourselves in the care we offer to our residents and the reliable and gracious service we provide to them. Bright Minds Residential Care is a nicely furnished, top-notch facility that aims to give premium, dependable and steady care to it residents. Our highly trained caregivers help ensure that our residents have the quality care and comfortable living atmosphere they so richly deserve. Bright Minds Residential Care is here to serve both you and your loved ones.
The vision of Bright Minds Residential Care is for each resident to lead a productive, meaningful life, while remaining close to his or her family, friends, and loved ones, and for each person touched by the home to benefit from this process; including the individual, family, friends, caregivers, neighbors, and the community at large. This process is a group endeavor and the benefits will be in direct relationship to the investment of time, energy, and heart provided by everyone involved, including and especially- the elderly resident.