Perpetual Help Care Home is an enchanting assisted living community in San Jose, California. It is within storied Santa Clara County which is part of the Golden State.
We are dedicated to quality care for residents, serving all residents with dignity, respect and compassion.
Facility Goals
- To enable all residents to partake in leisure pursuits of their choosing in an environment adapted for free choice, socialization and simple activities.
- To encourage residents to visit and wander freely, facilitate appropriate social interactions among residents, empower residents, and for residents to independently gravitate toward interests.
Description of Facility
- Completely remodeled home to comply with needs of residents
- Six resident occupancy
- Two bathrooms
- Spacious living room
- Activity deck
- Backyard
- New kitchen appliances
Services Included
- Ensure medical and dental needs are met.
- Assistance, storing, and distribution of prescribed and over the counter medications.
- Linen change at least once a week or as often as necessary.
- Towels and hygiene items.
- Weekly or as often as necessary cleaning of resident rooms.
- Laundry service.
- Meals and special diet needs.
- Bedside care.
- Monitoring and appropriate reporting to families, physician, appropriate persons/agencies of resident needs and condition.
- Assistance in arranging transportation.
- Activities.
Activities Offered
- Individualized program design
- Socialization
- Daily Living Skills
- Leisure Activities
- Physical Activities
- Education
Full Screen Gallery
None Listed