Small in size and welcoming by nature, Aldersly is a not-for-profit senior living community like no other. Come and meet friendly neighbors who are actively involved in their charming community. The lifestyle here is maintenance free and allows for you to enjoy your life on your own terms. We offer distinctive brick apartments with patios opening onto our prized community gardens, or balconies with panoramic views of Marin County. There is so much to do in the surrounding area, from farmers’ markets to monthly art walk events. You are so close to a lively lifestyle, but still have all of the comforts of home in our Danish community. Live a healthy lifestyle that gives you a fresh outlook each day at our Life Plan Community in San Rafael, California.

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Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 29 sec
Aldersly is Home
I I feel that it this is my home I have that feeling in my heart that this is my home and I'm getting quite divorced now for my old home that feeling of wanting your old home is passing and I feel very much at home here I think I probably have the most guests here for lunges even for breakfast I have just now a friend of mine from white plains came for two weeks to stay here just to be with me and she's been coming twice a year since I've been here and I have invited my children for various lunches dinners every time I can I have two daughters and their grandchildren I invite them frequently and they're always eager to come here I didn't just enjoy the environment I feel very comfortable it's a homey feeling it's a very home-like feeling I have all these amenities I have the health care the maintenance the housekeeping and the social activities it's just been a great great life i'm so content I'm very comfortable and I feel safe and the people of just so gracious and so friendly and you walk down the street and you say good morning to people so independent living is it's just so comfortable and I like the feeling that I don't have to dust and I don't have to vacuum I did that for 60 plus years I don't it's so good to have this done I feel this is a second life for me I love it the fact that i can get up and make my bed in the morning and that's all I have to do I don't have to worry about cleaning the bathroom or dusting it's it's just amazing but how did out at this point this is my my hope my apartment my home oh my god yes it does feel like home you
Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 6 sec
Aldersly is Community
I do not feel isolated or alone at Aldersley there's always a resident to talk to there's always someone there to speak to to ask there's always a good morning how are you feeling this morning so there's a lovely group of people here I've made quite a few friends the community Aldersley is very caring they're very loving and they make certain that we are involved in the rest of the of the activities there's always somebody checking in on you and the friendliness of the other residents is just very comforting and social when you're living it obviously it's almost impossible to be isolated there are so many people who are interested in you and if you're absent from some in occasion such as a meal they begin wondering where you are and they choir if you're okay so I think that's a major feature of Aldersley we're very sociable there's so many activities that put us together there's a great mixture and there's a lot of interesting people here to there are retired doctors retired engineers and teachers and other professionals and other people and they all have a very interesting life or career to share so there's a great big deal of sociability among us if you like a small community this is absolutely it
Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 20 sec
Aldersly is Freedom
I aldertree allows a very independent life for me and there's no regulations where we're free to go and participate in all of their activities them I'd maintained a big house you know most of my life and there's the taxes and the utilities and everything to pay for I want it to be free of that so I am really enjoying being free of those household duties and expenses we had a house oh we had an alarm system in our house but it was still the fact that that I had to turn that alarm on and when I would hear a strange noise or if I would see the motion lights going on outside I thought what is that is that a can't moving up there is that the wind blowing under the trees so I just feel so free and I I have no responsibility anymore as far as a house and a yard I used to enjoy cooking but at this point all I do is put a cup of water in my micro and make some tea and I don't miss it at all so independent living is is just so comfortable I've gotten to the point also with having three meals that three daily meals prepared I've forgotten how to pour cereal out of a box and I like that feeling and I like the feeling that I don't have to dust and I don't have to vacuum I did that for 60 plus years and I don't I've just it's so good to have this done I have a car in the sheltered garage and I still drive still have active drivers license and also i transport some of my friends around to various occasion i am living a very independent and a happy life there's nothing that i have to do myself anymore and I don't you