Our residents, families, and employees work together to promote independence and well-being in a vibrant cultural atmosphere. Our full continuum of care includes independent living, assisted living, rehabilitation care, skilled nursing, and memory care.
Everything from amenities and services to programming, events, and a focus on everyday wellness is designed so that residents can keep doing what they love – and discover new ways to grow and find personal fulfillment.
Because we are a not-for-profit Life Plan Community (also known as a continuing care retirement community) with a variety of Life Care contracts to choose from, we also provide unparalleled peace of mind for the future.
For those who are interested in the benefits of Life Care but would like to remain in their own homes, we offer Thrive at Home with Whitney Center, a comprehensive long-term care program that allows you the benefits of Life Care in the comfort of your own home.

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Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 19 sec
when Mom first came here she lived in 508 right in 508 for six or seven years so it's really been three years I think that she moved into the health center and knowing that was available when she first moved here even though she did not need it then was part of the decision and I think it was the social and intellectual and sense of community right but you know going to the movies doing things in the cultural arts center going to services go into other events mom is able to do that she with some assistance she sees her friends and like we can't go down the hall without Kyrie Tahiry know how are you nice to see you right right it's very confident to know all these people it really is it's fabulous and we will sit outside by the pond and you know I it's not we can't like jump in the car and go run off places so it's wonderful I really is and I think from you know the people that are at the front desk to the dining room to of course the clinical staff and the staff that take care of people in the health center I'm really really impressed having the health center was really important Harry and pollutants hopefully you come when you're still independent and can do everything for yourself you need this sort of help that the health center pass see ya it's available but also people know you you're already part of a community you know who some of the staff are you're a person first and people know you and there's fluidity back and forth and I think that's really important it's all it's great that there's a wonderful social and cultural life here and there's also good medical care to both are really important so I think they do a good job you
Video Transcript
Time: 3 min 13 sec
Whitney Center is very close to New Haven and we have about 50 years or more of living in the area and joined restaurants theatres friends music so it was just a perfect place for us to come we did not want our children to take care of us we wanted to be in a vibrant community we wanted to feel like our health care would be taken care of her life and so we looked around at all the ones that are in Connecticut the cheery atmosphere the art gallery on Main Street I just said to us that this is a place we would enjoy I think times have changed we didn't move into a nursing home really I think just the brightness and the large rooms and generous kitchens it just it this is really home I'm as independent here as I was over in the condo except I've got friends around and that makes a big difference the activities here are amazing and the quality I mean every Sunday there's a concert every Saturday evening there's a movie every Monday there's a lecture and all of high quality I mean just last night we went to the chamber music go but you know it's easy you hop on a bus doesn't spray goal but the drop us off right in front it makes it easy as it's harder to do things to do things what's not to like about having somebody cook dinner for you every night I've thoroughly enjoyed the meals here you like something's up but you have a choice and there are three different places that you can eat so you can you have variety people had suggested that we move in before we need the care and I think that's allowed us to really take advantage of what the place has to offer as i mentioned physical exercise cultural enrichment participating in various activities which might be hard once we are less mobile not only do we want to live our lives out on happily and contently but i think we want to continue to author that experience and that's why when you said i think it's special we foster an environment that allows resins to offer their own lives people need to be active physically they need to experience new ideas and new information new ways of learning and all those things are available to us here you have to go through this part of life anyway because we all will if we're fortunate enough to stay alive long enough and if you can do it with some joy and grace and happiness and stimulation that's the way to do it you