One of the biggest choices you can make is for your retirement, this is both an emotional and financial commitment. Careful consideration needs to be made for the ideal location and a community set to meet all your current and future needs. For a community with Continuum of Care, look no further than the Orlando Lutheran Towers a division of Orlando Senior Health Network offering Independent Living, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation, and Alzheimer’s Dementia Care.
CCRCs give residents the comfort and assurance that everything they will need for the rest of their life will be provided at the community. CCRCs also give financial security and the peace of mind to residents and their families by agreeing to provide future long-term care on site, when/if it is needed. CCRCs allow potential residents to see their future healthcare facilities that they may need in the future when they are considering moving to a CCRC.
At the Orlando Lutheran Towers it is our privilege to be Downtown Orlando’s premier Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). Our “Life Care Program” provides you with a guarantee care for life. No matter what may happen in the unforeseen future, we have the answers to the question “What if”?