Penney Retirement Community
Penney Farms, FL - Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Independent Living, CCRC

Take a look at Penney Retirement Community (Penney). It’s truly one of a kind – active, caring and affordable.
Nestled in the historic town of Penney Farms in Northeast Florida, Penney is a unique and active, inclusive Christian retirement community. Founded in 1926 by businessman J.C. Penney, the community is built on the philosophy that retirement is just the beginning of a time filled with purpose and joy, and surrounded by caring friends.
Penney is a vibrant hometown offering countless activities. Located near Jacksonville, FL, it is snuggled among picturesque live oaks, Southern magnolias and sabal palms on a 200-acre campus. This pet-friendly retirement community boasts a diverse group of caring and friendly residents coming from 35 states and having served in more than 25 foreign countries.

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Video Transcript
Time: 4 min 4 sec
founded in 1926 by businessman JC Penny penny retirement community is a homey inclusive Christian neighborhood for nearly 500 diverse residents as a continuing care retirement community penny has a wide variety of living options from single-family homes to assisted living long-term nursing care and end-of-life care regardless of where you live at penny you can still walk bike or take a quick golf cart ride to visit with your friends or loved ones our residents actively volunteer in dozens of places throughout penny and the Northeast Florida community as our community has grown the need for a replacement facility for the pavilion for healthcare nursing home has become ever clearer and the staff desperately needs this new building they have worked under adverse circumstances for so many years and they are so full of love and caring for our patients but they can't do it all with the equipment and the rim size that we have now these people have given years of their life to this community as well as other communities and as we move forward they deserve to have a wonderful facility and and as little as a shower and a bathroom in their own in their own room the food is prepared for our residents in a kitchen down the street so the dining room staff must bring the food via cards down the street even in the rain to bring it to our residents in the pavilion the care is going to be the same because that's what makes any retirement community so great is the wonderful care that we get from all our CNAs and our nurses it's very crowded very small and then they have to try to remember what they did and go back and put it in the computer so to us it's just going to mean that she's going to be more comfortable she's gonna have more accommodations more amenities and it's going to be easier for people to come and with her and interact with penny retirement community is reaching out to you our friends colleagues and supporters to join in the campaign to build a new nursing care home with your help we can provide larger more home-like rooms that feature current technology and comfortable places for family and friends to relax and visit the new nursing care home will also include upgraded facilities for our medical staff nurses and the whole patient care team your financial gift will make this vision a reality to build a high quality nursing care home that will serve the residents of Northeast Florida along with those who call penny retirement community their home we realize that this is a big undertaking but we believe that it's a need that we have and we thank you so much for participating in this for us thank you for your support thank you thank you thank you from all of us in the community thanks your donation will make a world of difference to those who have spent their lives caring for their families and communities with your support our campaign will succeed in creating the beautiful home like nursing care center that is needed because at penny retirement community there is no place like home [Music]
Video Transcript
Time: 7 min 42 sec
under the beautiful canopy of trees along the JCPenney Memorial scenic highway you will find a place like no other place on earth at Penney retirement community this Christian community was a vision of JC Penney and his mission continues today as seniors are living a purposeful abundant life homes cottages and apartments line the quiet streets of PRC continuing care is provided for those in need of assisted living and long-term care the beautiful campus is surrounded by gardens and walking paths but don't just take our word for it listen to what our residents have to say about living in penny retirement community we specifically chose to live in the historic district because we love the the historic architecture we love the how well built these buildings were this is a very quiet very safe community in fact our police coordinator comes to our council meetings fairly regularly and he reports that that penny farms is the safest place in Clay County what we were looking for is a place that showed financial stability something that we were sure is going to be here if we last 30 years we want to make sure that the CCRC last 30 years - and since penny farms has been around since 1926 that caught our eye and the value we felt it was about a third of the price of many of the other places we looked at so it's very affordable as well one thing that's really nice about Parc is there are so many activities you don't have to think well what am I going to do today because there are myriad of activities like concerts and gardening and any in any number of things that involve social interaction and I especially like going to the dining room because you can meet new people and you can also get to know the people you already know the musical opportunities here at penny retirement community are one of the great joys far as I'm concerned of living here everybody was so friendly we walked around the campus hi how you doing you know and they come up they'd introduce themselves and so I almost felt like I was going back to my little town of Anago Wisconsin where you know if you go to the post-office box or the post office everybody knows everybody else and it's a social debt here if you want to know about Japan you just ask which missionary went to Japan or which person has experienced here and you have lunch with them and you get an education that is so superior to a textbook education we also felt that there was a family sense of brothers and sisters taking care of each other neighbors as we call this was the original vision of JC Penny which we highly value and that is people living together in an environment where it matters who your neighbors are faith in fellowship or at the core of penny retirement community many of our residents serve their churches and communities through mission work pastoral care and other church related activities and continue to do so in retirement that was in the very beginning when retired minister said no pensions and this was a wonderful idea that JC Penney had he got this very unique and new pioneering idea of a continuing care community first building built was the Church the church continues to be the heart of our community and the place of worship for more than 25 Christian denominations residents provide the music and choirs for all of the services the spirit of generosity and service to others radiates throughout PRC in the form of volunteerism among our residents those who live at penny retirement community can be found actively engaged in helping others every day of the year continuing the commitment of serving others the tradition of volunteerism this was a place that put volunteers to work in last year I think we had a hundred and twenty volunteer hours retired is a loose definition here and when we work two years with our hagun care people our Alzheimer's people in serve lunches there that was a wonderful experience you got to know them personally when you were over there with them at mealtime and I thoroughly enjoyed it but one thing that's great about the volunteering here you don't have to search it out there are many things to do and they're all fulfilling residents here do our income taxes at no cost residents fix our computers at no cost residents service our golf carts at no cost a donation residents replace watch batteries for two bucks two dollars you know and they do all kinds of things so it's just a very giving community we hope you're inspired to find out for yourself why penny retirement community is the perfect choice for those who want an active involved and vibrant life I couldn't be in a better place I really could not it fits every one of my needs boy what a marvelous decision I couldn't have made a better choice incoming we found an unbelievably caring sharing community and then you come to visit and you get the trees and you get openness and it's not high-rises and all that kind of thing and fresh air and beautiful walking and then you find out there's a complete arts and crafts department I mean it's like a no-brainer I have actually where else it's a sensible place we invite you to visit us and spend the night in one of our homes or apartments have dinner with your future neighbors and take a tour the beautiful thinning retirement community call us today at we're looking forward to your visit you
Video Transcript
Time: 1 min 49 sec
hi I'm Theresa Scott CEO and president a penny retirement community our Christian community is located within the town of Betty farms Florida JC Penney established this community in 1926 as a safe and affordable housing community for ministers and missionaries to live when they retired his vision continues to be our mission today I have worked with seniors my entire career in the area of housing community service and health care I know the challenges they face when it comes to making decisions about planning their retirement our community is a safe and affordable choice once you join our Christian community you have secured your future in regards to housing and healthcare you will always be surrounded by friends who will become like family our assisted living apartments accommodate those individuals and couples who require health care to manage their daily activities they are located in the center of our campus which makes it easy for them to stay in contact with their neighbors our nursing care facility has been awarded the governor's gold seal for excellence in long-term care seven consecutive times expanding over 14 years of care the residents care for the only bus that but by their friends who live with them in the community because of our strong foundation is Christian community older adults are living a purposeful life and are valued as older adults I invite you to visit our community you will instantly feel the love and care that pinning neighbors have for each other