At Emporia Presbyterian Manor, we offer a full range of senior living including offering independent living, assisted living, long-term care/skilled nursing, memory care (Alzheimer’s / dementia), short-term rehabilitation, respite care and adult day services in Emporia, Kansas.
When you move to Emporia Presbyterian Manor, changing your address does not change who you are. Instead, you’ll find an opportunity to redefine life on your terms with time and freedom to make new friends, pursue new interests and live the life you want to live.
Our beautifully landscaped 20-acre campus offers an array of amenities including restaurant-style dining, a beautiful gazebo and pond, computer center, hair salon, health center, interfaith chapel, library, multi-purpose room and “pet friendly” accommodations.

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Video Transcript
Time: 11 min 13 sec
An Inspirational story of Mr. and Mrs. Vangundy where they share their happy and sorrow moments of their life. They share the secret of their happy married life and explain the meaning of love. Camera/Edit/Direction - Atul Karki Music by Whitesand - Drops
we met in a middle country school house that had all eight grades one feature with one teacher I was in the seventh grade yeah okay when we move to the country just like coincidence removed immediately across the road from his family and so we knew each other although we weren't close together for that the rest of that year and then he graduated a year ahead of me so I was at the America hospital with all my other friends and I had lots of friends that he had lots of friends and I I always asked him why he didn't ever go out for sports I guess that's the way we got acquainted [Music] he never asked me for a date all through high school and we've talked about that a lot how did that happen and then when he graduated out of high school and went to Emporia State for a year and then he enlisted in the air force and that okay so he's gone but were still friends and we responded a little bit by letters but he said he wrote to his mother faithfully and she kept all of his letters I might add I still have him on a shelf in my bedroom and when one time he got him out and reread them here do you like to read this one and some of them I think he found some girlfriends up in Michigan where he went to college during the Air Force that said and I got real jealous after all these years that he had a girlfriend and our girl says our daughter says mother straighten up you got him in the end what is why she is so sad but then he was gone all this time and we continue to write letters [Music] when he got out of service and came home on a on a so many day leave and we started seeing each other regularly but he never ever we never talked married or what we plan to do if we did he just was a client soul and he never did you never did say shall we shall we get married or I think it was just kind of understood and on Christmas Eve ever he had been home unley I heat the diamond ring on my finger and I was he never did take shall we get married I thought that's the way it was and all lies at night I laid in bed and looked at the ring on my finger they're happy trust in each other talk talk things over to it and agree and there certainly has to be lost to love and as time went on it it gets different and there's always got to be loved and he's got to talk things out he's always I've always trusted him and I always have thought he was faithful and I tried to be returning the favor as we always tried to agree with most everything it has to it has to work Rosa ways there has to be just just love and love and more in more ways than one not just we talked we talked things over sometimes we disagree a little bit but in the angry we've come to an agreement and things work have worked out [Music] well when we first saw each other than in grade school he doesn't think so but I thought she was pretty cute little girl there was another boy it also do and we did never fight that we struggled over and later on after we went to school together and then I left for three years came back I put still thought she was pretty nice in 1946 that came home for her 45 I came home from the Army and what completely settle down and raise a family and take care of the farm that my folks couldn't take care of any more and i knew Emma Lou very well and I thought she was the person for me and I asked her well I didn't ask her I give her a ring and what year was that 45 after i come home and she never did say yes but we got her I got her and we've enjoyed our life together and that was 71 years ago this december or sep tember know february's a 17 will be 71 years [Music] we got married had a little reception took a little fella three-day honeymoon by my sister's car did they get crab and her did we go tofa for about three days and on the way home we needed gas to the car and course i had a little change in my purse and he had ran out of money and i had to buy gasoline to get us home but we were happy we were real I mean excited and it's a big step but it worked it has worked and there's been many badges but also lots of happiness and I do loving thank you on in 1963 that seems like a long time ago and it is but our new boy had the grand champion steer at the fair and we were rejoicing and he was out in the pasture with one of our daughters looking for a cast of the next year horse pike he's horseback and he fell from the horse and didn't make it so we've had we've had many joyful thing many joyful things but you have to love each other and understand what has happened to make it work and I'm so proud to think that we've come this far even if you walk by our our apartment sometime and you'll think what in the world is going on in there we are just discussing and we have to get loud because we don't hear well but the love is there always always happy Valentine's dear and happy Valentine's and happy Valentine's serve everybody with love and love and love happy valentine [Music]