Whispering Pines Retirement is a State of Kansas Licensed Independent and Assisted Living Facility located in Norton, Kansas in Norton County. The goal of Whispering Pines is to provide quality assisted living services to the elderly residents of Norton, Norton County and the surrounding communities.
Whispering Pines is dedicated to providing the utmost in retirement living, both in the quality of its facility and in the excellence of its employees. We believe by providing our services and by putting one’s mind at ease, these will contribute to a quality retirement lifestyle. We provide all private rooms for our elders.
Whispering Pines also provides Residents with impressive “Commons” rooms, which include a Dining Room, Living Room, Library, and Laundry Room , Private Family Dining Room, and Exercise Room. A large contemporary Kitchen allows staff plenty of room to prepare and serve three (3) meals per day. The Living Room provides Residents, family and guests a place to visit, and includes a Gas Fireplace, Television, VCR & DVD Player. The Library provides reading material for Residents, and also functions as a meeting & conference room.
Whispering Pines provides 24-hour staff supervision, and is committed to providing quality, experienced professional staff to assist Residents. Medication Management is provided by Certified Medication Aids (CMA) and supervised by the Licensed Facility Nurse.
Whispering Pines and the KDOA respect the rights and responsibilities of Kansas seniors to actively participate in decisions and behaviors, which have an effect on their lives. Together they believe quality of life can be improved for Kansans of all ages by creating, building and using public and private coalitions to influence fiscal and human resources.
- 24 Hour Staff
- (3) Meals Per Day
- Medication Management
- Emergency Call System
- Weekly Housekeeping
- All Utilities Paid Except Telephone
- And Cable T.V.
- Health Maintenance
- Personal Care
- Supervision of Health & Welfare
- Laundry Service
- Social & Leisure Activities
- Interior & Exterior Building Maintenance