67 miles from Manhattan, KS and 90 miles from Wichita, Eaglecrest Retirement Community is a senior living community that offers residents high quality assisted living and independent living in Salina, KS.
Eaglecrest Retirement Community offers many services and amenities including a swim spa, guest rooms, and wellness services for our assisted living and independent living residents to help them live a life of dignity and independence.
We understand finding the right community for you or a loved one can be overwhelming, and we’re here to help. Eaglecrest can give you the information you need so you can move forward with confidence and make an informed decision.
How do we know the right care plan for you? We begin by assessing your particular needs in order to match you to the correct level of care. We provide different levels of care to meet various needs. All care plans are evaluated routinely to ensure the appropriate services are being provided. At Eaglecrest, you’re sure to receive the right care from our certified staff.