Daily activities are provided for the residents of Davco. They include crafts, shopping, bowling, book discussions, attending sporting events and of course bingo. The facility features a Computer Learning Center with an instructor. There is also a movie theatre where the residents can watch movies and enjoy popcorn. Residents can attend the church of their choice. Many churches provide services and special entertainment at the facility as well.
Working with the pharmacy and the residents doctor, our staff administers medications. Other healthcare services are available thru home health agencies. Doctors and psychiatrists see the residents on a regular basis and as needed. A mental health professional from River Valley Mental Health works with residents daily and has group and one-on-one sessions to assist with personal issues. Our facilities are inspected regularly by the state fire marshal, health department, and Office of the Inspector General. Fire and tornado drills are held on a monthly basis and the local City and county disaster services provide additional training.
A barber and beautician come monthly to take care of the residents needs. A large screen television is located in the leisure room. Public transportation is available through GRITS, city buses, and taxi services. We also help when residents need transportation or assistance to doctors appointments.