Touro’s Woldenberg Village is a not-for-profit, multi-service residential retirement community covering 17 acres on the West Bank of New Orleans. Woldenberg Village draws an ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse group of residents from the entire metropolitan area and beyond, offering seniors spacious and comfortable living accommodations on beautifully landscaped grounds. Our caring staff and residents create a warm, welcoming, and intimate setting. Woldenberg Village is retirement living at its best.
Whether you are able to live independently, need some additional support, or are in need of skilled nursing care, Woldenberg Village offers quality care and an engaging lifestyle for its residents. Residents benefit from an environment of exceptional services and amenities that promotes active lifestyles and personal freedom.
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Time: 7 min 8 sec
Dr. Lowentritt discusses the Woldenberg Village's sensory room and Snoezelen therapy on WGNO.
welcome back earlier this year waldenburg village has skilled rehabilitation and long-term care facility on the west bank created a multi-sensory room in their memory care unit it was made possible through a generous donation by the Albert Andry hendler Charitable Trust it's called the snooze Lim therapy room and it's part of the facilities initiative to improve the quality of life for residents suffering from dementia and alzheimers oldenburg is the only healthcare facility the state of Louisiana offering this therapy to its patients so here to explain is the medical director at waldenburg village dr Josh Lauren good morning and welcome good morning thanks for having me today so nice to have you on now ever folks who are not familiar with your facility tell me about it sure so oldenburg is a fairly recently rebuilt facility we have independent living apartments we have assisted living apartments we have 120 bed nursing home with a 20 of those beds are in our memory care unit those are for folks with dementing illness or Alzheimer's we also take care of quite a number of folks who are short-term stays who are just out of the hospital who need additional care additional physical therapy and medical treatments or IV antibiotics coming out of a big hospital ok so you have this new thing and we were chatting off-camera that I'm like oh a 30 room it can't be that exciting this is actually a really really unique concept tell me how this snooze Lynn room came about where did this idea come from so there's an initiative nationally and statewide in regulating nursing homes to improve quality life for each of the residents there and one of the major goals is to be able to reduce the need for medications which we sometimes need for people when they're agitated or frightened and sometimes those medicines are long-term medicines but also sometimes those are just as needed so the goal is to figure out how can we improve the quality of life of these residents who really have a very restricted quality of life so we've been fortunate to receive a tremendous grant from the hendler foundation and we researched how can we do this and our director of nursing Veronica Hickson looked into quite a number of different areas for therapy and found the snoozle in therapy room being used in Europe and in other cities and other states we were so excited to be able to bring in this therapy to our residents and we installed it a few months ago okay now I was really hoping I could say this so I'm going to and you know I'm going to butcher it but the name snoozle it has dried from the dutch words sniffling and does lip right and so right and the so those are the words that the researchers combined to makes New Zealand and those mean relax excitement okay okay now tell me a little bit about these researchers and what they found kind of came about with this room sure so the therapy is used in with different groups of patients obviously it cannot be anyone with a seizure disorder because the lighting that we put in can actually induce a seizure okay but for the demented patients what we find is for folks who are withdrawn or somewhat lethargic they come into the room with all these sensory experiences they'll have aromatherapy there's a massage chair we have lights and dimmed room and different colors projected onto the walls so you might have a fish tank projected against the walls and yeah we're actually seeing pictures of that right now and so you can imagine how much fun it is when you go to the Aquarium of the Americas and you walk through when you see the coral reef or imagine if you're a person with dementia who doesn't have access to all of that and you come into a room and let's say you were a fisherman or you used to do needlepoint or used to garden or used to work in your shed but now you're in a very restricted environment and you have the opportunity to be exposed to stimulation and sensory items that you haven't seen in a while that are anyway so they excite people who are withdrawn we also get to see a calming behavior for people who are more agitated and so we have people now that residents there looking forward to coming into this new zealand therapy room during the day so it's not just meals and watch AMC movies on old TV and so it's really a wonderful new activity for our residents and we're just really proud that we have it yeah yeah now you mentioned this was an old TV room right this was the old TV room where the old black and white movies would play and you'd see folks snoozing in their chairs yeah so now it is a place where they come their excitement they're looking forward to it we have seen a reduction in the need for medications for different behaviors so there's less people who who yell they yell less frequently people who need less medication for agitation we've been able to reduce the doses of the medications for many of our long-term patients and that's really beneficial because each of those medicines that may help control the behavior they have side effects always in and so by reducing these very strong medications we really hope we improve quality of life reduce suffering make this the best state we can for folks who are here can this technology be used to treat other things I mean here you're talking about patients with dementia and Alzheimer's can be used on children or people with other maybe mental health issues the the therapy is used for a variety of conditions in Europe and in some of the other major centers around the country we've installed for the specific purpose we're very fortunate it's been so well received that we've received additional grant funding to put up a second room in the second floor of our nursing home which is really more of a traditional nursing home environment people who do not have quite the degree of dementing illnesses so we're so excited about this program Wow and there's nobody else coming up and people want to check it out yeah we have an open house we're very excited about it we we really think this is a valued asset to the community the community of people who really needs our services okay we're going to get all the info on your screen right now it's Wednesday July twentieth it's happening 1130am until two-thirty p.m. if you want to see this news Lynn room for yourself you can go check it out maybe good for a family member of your own well really really fascinating stuff and I'm so glad to hear it's going right now thanks so much for your time today thanks for coming on and for more information regarding waldenburg village and be snoozin therapy room log on to our website click on the 411 we'll also have the info but that open house up there