Located in Baltimore’s Park Heights neighborhood, Daisy House is founded on these insights and offers our residents a place to grow and thrive — while offering their families peace of mind.
Daisy house is intimate and manageable, the opposite of impersonal & institutional. Individually-owned, not the outpost of a faceless national chain. Of course an assisted living community should help to overcome, eliminate and minimize many of life’s irritating day-to-day challenges. But better still is that relieved of these burdens, you’ll have more time and energy to enrich your experience and sense of place in your new home. It’s been a labor of love for us, and that is why we are sure that for you (or your loved one), starting life with us is a chance to be welcomed and celebrated as you arrive a new member of our community.
During the arrival and intake process you (or your loved one) will feel valued as an individual with rich history and networks of friends and family. These conversations will help familiarize our staff with the resident’s individuality — that individual’s journey so far, but just as importantly, the goals to shape while with us.
Our approach at Daisy House is born of personal experience. Who We Are details how a Founder Steve Blankenship channeled the insights acquired in a career spent managing and supporting communities of soldiers in the Army and Army Reserves was redirected and given new purpose. As his mother’s independence waned, Steve came home to care for her himwhen his mother, Daisy Eitemiller, needed intensive care and assistance. Daisy House is a testament to Steve’s love for his mother and the insights he derived about the importance of dignity and individuality in a phase of life where boundaries of independence and assistance slowly restructure themselves.