At Glen Meadows, you have the flexibility to create your own experience. All of our senior living services are available as you need them—whether it's our Independent Living, At-Home Services for in home support, Assisted Living, or Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation. Located less than 10 miles from Baltimore, Glen Meadows is a Continuing Care Retirement Community providing people 60 and older with the resources they need to create truly fulfilling lives. In step with that mission, the community is the first in Maryland to offer Masterpiece Living, an approach which enables people who live on our campus as well as employees to work together to focus on their individual social, physical, intellectual and spiritual growth.
Outstanding dining options, an extraordinary Fitness Center, walking trails, wetlands, and wildlife are only a few examples of our commitment to purposeful living and well-being. There is no other senior living continuing care retirement community like Glen Meadows. It’s as distinctive as each of our residents.

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Video Transcript
Time: 1 min 46 sec
Glen Meadows Retirement Community and Notchcliff Farm in Glen Arm, Md., are partnering to help senior citizens become more active.
all right it's a perfect partnership and it's happening on a farm in Baltimore County Ron Matz explains how senior citizens and retired horses are bonding with each other I contacted the facility and said we'd love to have the seniors come on over and spend some time with us with the horses in the rolling hills of Glenarm or not cliff farm a bond is being forged between these senior citizens and these retired horses and we enjoy them it's the first time I've been up close and personal with them they able to touch him and I was able to feed one of the horses this morning and that was so fun it's fun and therapeutic the seniors can see the farm from nearby Glen Meadows their senior living community so they made their first visit to this farm last May I don't think it's a coincidence I think you know the area it's beautiful and you know it's a beautiful place for both of them to live it is your name Alina Thomas is the farms barn manager some of these seniors were once horse owners and I had one of the residents come up and put her arms around one of the horses and say she wanted to smell the horse because she remembered what it was like there are 19 horses here at notch cliff farm five are retired thoroughbreds I just enjoy seeing them I enjoy dough telling me about them when I retire this is what I want to do and have somebody pet me in Glenarm Ron Matz reporting for WJZ