Central Minnesota Senior Care - Litchfield is an energetic assisted living community in Litchfield, Minnesota. It is within pleasant Meeker County which is part of the North Star State.
Central Minnesota Senior Care, Inc. is a Class F Assisted Living Home Care Provider Organization that provides assisted living services to elderly people in central Minnesota. We have operated programs since 1993 in the Willmar area, beginning with two apartment buildings. One year later we opened seven more programs. Since then, we have launched eight more programs with Homestead North in Benson being our latest opening in Fall 2009.
Central Minnesota Senior Care is committed to providing services in assisted people to live in an independent setting with support services available. We encourage independence among the residents. Socialization is also a priority and we encourage our residents to participate in the activities that are arranged. Socialization is very important part of a persons well being and we follow each persons plan of care to complete specific service recommendations. We strive to make the resident and family feel secure in the assisted living program. All residents will be screened prior to admission.
We work closely with the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services in maintaining a good standard of service. All certificates and licenses will be made available.
All staff hired by Central Minnesota Senior Care, Inc. will be carefully screened for positions. The regulation for qualifications and training will be followed including an approved home health aide training program. Ongoing training will be the minimum required which is eight hours. Criminal background check will be done as required. Staff are also trained in CPR and First Aid.
Transportation will be arranged or provided by Central Minnesota Senior Care for appointments, meetings, and activities.
Our staff will help the residents with paying bills and assist in areas of record keeping. We will not have any control over a resident’s money, but will keep receipts of purchases as applicable.
Nurses will set up medications. Medications will be administered by trained home health aides. Central Minnesota Senior Care has a locked central storage for all medications. Our nurses will be able to provide assessments, monthly checks, monitor response to medications, foot care, supervision of personal cares, communicate with physicians and train staff as well.
Residents will participate in menus and help cooking if they desire. We do not believe everyone likes the same food so meals can vary to each individual. We encourage family and friends to join us for snacks and special events. All residents are welcome to invite guests for a meal as well.
Our sister company Divine Home Care, Inc. provides home care services in the residents home for skilled nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, home health aide, social services, medication assistance, PCA services, and IV infusion therapy. They utilize all payment sources including Medicare, MA, PCA, county programs, private pay, and private insurance. Divine Home Care, Inc. offers quality services to support health, dignity, and independence.