Haven Homes provides comfortable, safe, and healthy accommodations to meet the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of elderly adults in an atmosphere of Christian dignity. We are a full-service skilled care facility with a professional, caring, and dedicated staff. We are committed to providing quality and compassionate service to all of our residents. If you are looking for a facility with highly trained and devoted health care professionals, look no further!
We have a wide range of therapeutic recreational activities, diverse social programs, and spiritual services available, all designed to provide physical, cognitive, and emotional support. Our newly refined programs and facilities help to create a home-like environment for our residents. Our goal is to support seniors empowering them to maintain active lifestyles and good health. At Haven Homes, your family is our family.

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Video Transcript
Time: 2 min 17 sec
A special video capturing a tribute to our residents, staff and community at Haven Homes
I love the community here people are so friendly there's so many people we've gotten to know everywhere friendly with a policy like a big family I think what are the things that we really do enjoy when they have church services you're we get a chance to see other people in church in a different atmosphere we are really blessed in that direction and I moved here I made a lot of good friends I try to be that person that God wants me to be if we give away what God's given us then we're really helping ourselves in a greater way Kennedy is my friend whenever he sees me just goofing off you know and your could be 85 and still be in the prime of life we want to make them stronger we want to give them the motivation and the confidence that whatever it is they want to do we would be there every step of the way to help them with their goals [Music] we do want to have khimar to be with the people around you because you know you've got lean on each other and by living here those people have enhanced my life and I have been hit stairs [Music] [Music] you