Brookside Assisted Living

Pine River, MN - Assisted Living

Hello, and welcome to a beautiful nursing home alternative in Pine River! You can stay close to family and friends, your doctors, your church, and all of the other things that make this community feel like home to you.

At Brookside, our residents receive high-quality care in a home-like setting, provided by 24-hour staff that truly care. We enjoy those lingering conversations around the dinner table as much as residents do!

We provide a wide variety of medical services, too numerous to cover completely. The simple summary is this: we want to provide a place you can move into, get settled in, and stay. We don't want to see folks uprooted and moved repeatedly. Often, people come to us needing very little: maybe just a little help bathing and getting dressed (in addition to housekeeping and meals). On the other end of the spectrum, we are licensed to provide care that has traditionally been thought of as nursing-home level care. We have a Hoyer lift and a sit-to-stand lift, in addition to other assistive equipment. We are able to do the monitoring and injections for diabetics who can't do their own. We can legally care for residents with feeding tubes. Typically, we admit residents with minimal or moderate needs, then work hard to keep meeting new needs as they arise.

Usually, we have a structured activities calendar. Sometimes, people are happier just doing what they want, when they want, and we are pleased to be able to accommodate that instead. Whether structured or informal, we customize our activities based on resident interests and needs. In the warmer months, we encourage walks outside, admiring flowers, and listening to the river. Tending the raised vegetable garden and just visiting in the fresh air are other things we enjoy outside. In the winter, we encourage physical activity as much as possible with walks inside the building and more structured exercise times. We love to create bright and beautiful things in the deep winter! We have staff with years of experience in this area who are always thinking of interesting new things to do.

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