Pine View Assisted Living is a wonderful assisted living community in Windom, Minnesota. It is within graceful Cottonwood County which is part of the North Star State.
Pine View Assisted Living believes that health care is a basic human right. We believe that the individual must be allowed to participate in planning for their health care and other basic needs and can remain in the home environment with assisted living services as long as they are able.
Services are available, coordinated, and provided in a comprehensive way to best meet the individual needs and are combined with other human services daily.
Each wing consists of similar living units. They are designed to promote social interation and encourage involvement in life's daily routines.
Pine View Assisted Living provides home-like living and has private rooms with private bathrooms available. Located in a quiet residential area.
- Staffed 24 hours a day by qualified caregivers
- RN available 24 hours a day
- Respite services - dependent upon unit availability
- Medication assistance
- Three home-cooked meals and snacks daily
- Private rooms
- Private Courtyard
- Housekeeping and laundry services included
- Quiet residential setting located close to downtown
- Affordable when compared to other alternatives
- Smoke free
- Daily activities
- Clergy visits
In House Senior Services providing:
- podiatry
- optometry
- dentistry
- audiology
Pine View Assisted Living is an ideal secure setting for your loved ones who need extra “TLC”. Our program is designed to encourage resident involvement in all aspects of daily living. With staff guidance, residents will take part in personal grooming, meal preparation and household tasks.
Recreational activities adapted for persons with various needs will be offered each day.
Family members are considered a vital part of the care-giving team at Pine View!