Legato Living is an active assisted living community in Omaha, Nebraska. It is within picturesque Douglas County which is part of the Cornhusker State.
Legato living memory care residents maintain the lifestyle they were accustomed to while sharing the amenities and comforts of a single family residential home.
Legato Living (formerly Comfort Care Homes) can provide skilled nursing services through the home health care agencies of your choice (should a Resident require these services) on a temporary basis.
Services that may be included are dressing changes, catheter care, and some IV cares. In addition to skilled nursing services, the physician may order Physical, Occupational or Speech Therapy. Depending on the resident’s needs at the time, these would all be provided at our homes.
People with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia show symptoms of cognitive impairment. At Legato Living we help our Residents cope with such problems by meeting them where they are at in the journey. By continuously monitoring the physical, emotional, and medical requirements of our Residents we are able to give them the love and attention they need to lead a peaceful life. Due to the additional dementia specific staff training and environmental guidelines, each home meets the requirements as an Alzheimer’s Special Care Unit under the NE licensure.
We believe in providing personalized care and attention to all of our Residents. To achieve this, we strive to help all Residents to continue to enjoy some of their most memorable and beautiful moments of life.
During the initial admission process we obtain an activity and social history for all of our Residents. Our caregivers use this information to plan activities and programs in which Residents take part. Most of the activities comprise of former hobbies of our Residents such as gardening, baking, and feeding birds and squirrels. These activities may seem small but they keep our Residents busy and above all, it gives them a purpose.
Legato Living can also provide personal services such as nail care, hairdressing, and clerical visits to ensure that both emotional and social needs of our Residents are met.
For those that are caring for their loved ones at home, we also offer Respite Care services. For short time periods (days to 1-2 weeks) we can care for your loved one to allow you the chance to get needed rest or time away.
Adult Daycare Services. This option provides care for your loved one by the hour or day as needed. Residents who come for the day services are welcomed into our home to participate in our daily happenings, meals and activities all while providing a supervised and safe environment while you are away.
Legato Living provides care to those with advanced stages of memory loss to the end of life by involving Hospice as an extension of our services.
Rather than curative treatment, hospice care treats the resident’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. There is no need to move from Legato Living for hospice care, as their team of professionals including; registered nurses, social workers, chaplains, therapists, home health aides, volunteers, and others will come directly to our home.