Caring Senior Living is an attractive assisted living community in Atlantic City, New Jersey. It is within stunning Atlantic County which is part of the Garden State.
CARING Adult Healthcare services was established in 1977 to assist the elderly and those in need.
As a non-profit, community-based organization, CARING'S goal is to enhance the health, dignity and well-being of everyone receiving our services.
Assisted Living Program is an individually tailored package of services including nursing care, assistance with personal care and other supportive services. Services are delivered to each resident in the privacy of his/her own apartment. The purpose of Assisted Living is to enable residents to “Age in Place” rather than relocate to a nursing home and to also avoid frequent hospital visits. Services are revised as necessary to meet the changing needs of each participant.
ALP provides:
- Personal Care, Medication Management, Homemaker services, Health Monitoring, Social Activities,
- Medical Transportation arrangements, Meal Preparation
- CARING Senior Living is licensed by the New Jersey Department of Human Services to provide Assisted
- Living Program services
CARING Senior Residential Services, a Community Housing development Organization, manages thirty six units of HUD- subsidized senior housing and ten units of otherwise affordable senior/disabled housing on the CARING Campus in Pleasantville.
The residents of these apartments are able to easily access the services provided at the CARINGPlace Center on CARING's campus. These accessible apartments allow seniors to live independently within close and convenient proximity to their supportive services. The rents for twenty six of these units are subsidized by HUD and are based on the income of the resident. The additional ten affordable apartments are not rent subsidized, but are affordable and are available exclusively for seniors with disabilities who receive adult day health program services.
Eligibility is based upon age and income. Applications are currently available for the waiting list for CARING's HUD subsidized senior housing units.
As adults live longer they can often face challenges not previously encountered. CARING's goal is to help them and their families cope with those challenges while they remain in the community in which they are most comfortable and familiar. We strive to provide services that help individuals age in place more easily.
CARINGPlace provides specialized medically-oriented adult day care services. Located on the CARING campus in Pleasantville, CARINGPlace offers an attractive and comfortable environment for seniors and younger adults with disabilities. Two Meals - breakfast and lunch - are cooked daily in the kitchen of the CARINGPlace center. In addition, nursing care, physical and occupational therapy, recreational activities and social services are provided at CARINGPlace.
The provision of CARING's day services enable individuals to remain independent in their home or with their families much longer than would otherwise be possible. The family or caregiver is afforded daily respite from full-time care responsibilities.
CARING’s Social Day provides day programs to meet the needs of the elderly and disabled in a social setting providing interesting activities, trips and group involvement. The centers, located in Atlantic City and Millville provide activities primarily for seniors who might otherwise have little or no means to get out into the community. The Atlantic City program now also coordinates its services with the Atlantic County Nutrition Site that is managed for the County by CARING.