Fox Run at Orchard Park was founded by The United Church Home Society, a not-for-profit organization that formed in 1877 with the mission to help older adults find appropriate housing. For over 150 years, the organization built facilities throughout Western New York to provide residency and healthcare services.
The United Church Home Society expanded their services by developing a Lifecare Community at Fox Run, which is sponsored by the United Church Home Society subsidiary, Orchard Park CCRC, Inc.
Today, Fox Run is a not-for-profit, four-star rated facility and one of only two Lifecare communities in Western New York.

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Title: Senior TV: Happy At Home! - Fox Run
Time: 5 min 23 sec
once you're here you'll be convinced that this is the place to come you can lay out you can love and you can live very very comfortably at Fox Run Fox Run is one of Western New York's best kept secrets to walk through the front doors people are always going wow this is amazing at Fox Run it's all about giving you more opportunities and better pathways to get to what you like all that is then under this foundation of community we have 300 plus residents here from all walks of life they've lived all over the country they've traveled the world I can tell you I've met so many great people here veterans the farmers teachers police officers all walks of life community here at Fox Run is excellent there are people here who lived all over the United States in the world and it's just a amazing group of people you're not alone here you know there's always someone that can help you and we help each other what we're trying to accomplish really is a sense of community and it's within that community there's a certain culture that gets us there a culture that's created by our residents and continues to be fostered by our staff employees because we're all part of the same community being here at Fox Run it's an infectious way that we treat each other and we come in with a really good attitude every single warning and by engaging people and you know how they are good morning we started to develop a relationship with them as soon as they walk through the door we just try to make everybody feel welcome and then it becomes infectious so maybe if somebody wasn't as happy at home let it come to fox run it seems like their personality everything comes out better because they have people around them and really care about the staff here is out of this world their personal they give extra time to us and they all have a sense of humor and so our staff is phenomenal very lucky any transition in life is is difficult and dig the figure and plan on moving out of a house of 50-plus years I can be pretty overwhelming but to live life at monster on is to be within a community of loving people that make life about I have friends that are considering and I try to talk to them often because they're up in age too and you you just have to leave your home and you'll get used to it here you really love it but your age and because you never know what might happen one of the reasons we came here is the fact that if we're both in our independent living one of us has to go to the icicles skilled nursing the other person can stay in the apartment and I could go to skilled nursing wouldn't cost us anything more that is a very unique thing about this place one of the most common expressions we hear from now people at Fox Run is why didn't I do this sooner and it really is amazing as to what happens when you do come here and how life and life with your family life with your grandkids great-grandkids home becomes better I reached 80 I thought you know it's time for me to get where i would get some help if i were ill being in a community like this really makes growing older a beautiful thing because you're with friends you're with people who care about you you have people looking out for you and it can be a really wonderful chapter of your life if someone I knew was looking for a place to come I would say come here because it's got good food it's got good staff it's excellent place and it's a good buy truly I would invite any any individual or couple that are looking to come to community like Fox Run come here give it a shot meet the people here meet the staff you will I guarantee get a sense of the culture the special culture we have here and the sense of community you really focus on my suggestion to anyone is get here when you can participate everything because fox run is just full of surprises nice healthy surprises well I i would i would encourage anybody at any time whether you're in your 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s to look at at fox run and understand what that that option is and what what makes us different yeah we are certainly a place to be and a place to discover and enjoy so it encourage everybody to give us a call and come on in the front row you
Time: 5 min 23 sec
once you're here you'll be convinced that this is the place to come you can lay out you can love and you can live very very comfortably at Fox Run Fox Run is one of Western New York's best kept secrets to walk through the front doors people are always going wow this is amazing at Fox Run it's all about giving you more opportunities and better pathways to get to what you like all that is then under this foundation of community we have 300 plus residents here from all walks of life they've lived all over the country they've traveled the world I can tell you I've met so many great people here veterans the farmers teachers police officers all walks of life community here at Fox Run is excellent there are people here who lived all over the United States in the world and it's just a amazing group of people you're not alone here you know there's always someone that can help you and we help each other what we're trying to accomplish really is a sense of community and it's within that community there's a certain culture that gets us there a culture that's created by our residents and continues to be fostered by our staff employees because we're all part of the same community being here at Fox Run it's an infectious way that we treat each other and we come in with a really good attitude every single warning and by engaging people and you know how they are good morning we started to develop a relationship with them as soon as they walk through the door we just try to make everybody feel welcome and then it becomes infectious so maybe if somebody wasn't as happy at home let it come to fox run it seems like their personality everything comes out better because they have people around them and really care about the staff here is out of this world their personal they give extra time to us and they all have a sense of humor and so our staff is phenomenal very lucky any transition in life is is difficult and dig the figure and plan on moving out of a house of 50-plus years I can be pretty overwhelming but to live life at monster on is to be within a community of loving people that make life about I have friends that are considering and I try to talk to them often because they're up in age too and you you just have to leave your home and you'll get used to it here you really love it but your age and because you never know what might happen one of the reasons we came here is the fact that if we're both in our independent living one of us has to go to the icicles skilled nursing the other person can stay in the apartment and I could go to skilled nursing wouldn't cost us anything more that is a very unique thing about this place one of the most common expressions we hear from now people at Fox Run is why didn't I do this sooner and it really is amazing as to what happens when you do come here and how life and life with your family life with your grandkids great-grandkids home becomes better I reached 80 I thought you know it's time for me to get where i would get some help if i were ill being in a community like this really makes growing older a beautiful thing because you're with friends you're with people who care about you you have people looking out for you and it can be a really wonderful chapter of your life if someone I knew was looking for a place to come I would say come here because it's got good food it's got good staff it's excellent place and it's a good buy truly I would invite any any individual or couple that are looking to come to community like Fox Run come here give it a shot meet the people here meet the staff you will I guarantee get a sense of the culture the special culture we have here and the sense of community you really focus on my suggestion to anyone is get here when you can participate everything because fox run is just full of surprises nice healthy surprises well I i would i would encourage anybody at any time whether you're in your 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s to look at at fox run and understand what that that option is and what what makes us different yeah we are certainly a place to be and a place to discover and enjoy so it encourage everybody to give us a call and come on in the front row you
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