Avalon Assisted Living is owned and operated by the Reckess family, long time residents of Dutchess County. Azzy and Paula Reckess are licensed by NY State to ensure that all care and services in the facilty meet or exceed state regulations. The fact that it’s a family concern and not a division of a faceless corporation means a lot. The family’s offices are close by and members of the Reckess family visit the facility and participate in special events often.
At the Avalon we believe that the aging process is a normal step in the development of any individual and that chronic disease and disability are, to some degree, a part of the process. Our goals and services are based on the following two fundamental philosophical principles: The belief in the innate worth of the aged and disabled, and the belief that each individual, regardless of age, sex, race, religion or handicap, is entitled to maximize his/her potential, enjoy a stimulated life and be an active member of society.
The Avalon’s management and staff maintain the highest level of quality and commitment to assure that each resident, as well as their families, receive the utmost attention and respect.

Real Estate Agent
Donna Tiffany
Exit Realty Connections