Brown Memorial Home

Circleville, OH - Assisted Living

Community size: Medium (11-25)

Being surrounded by the people we cherish. The ones who hold our hand for a walk, a prayer, a quiet squeeze of encouragement. Who listen to and laugh with us. Enjoying simple pleasures, like a cheery row of plants in the window. A contented cat purring. A good meal simmering on the stove. Home means care and comfort; friends and family; a place to rest and recharge. And that's exactly what we offer!

This home-centric philosophy comes out of our belief that elders should be treated like people, not patients. They deserve respect due to someone with their wisdom and life experiences. Whether they need skilled nursing or assisted living services, in-patient treatment or out-patient therapy, we work with each individual to tailor a care plan that helps them feel well in mind, body, and spirit.

We believe in creating a real sense of home for seniors because this is our home, too. Brown has been in Circleville for more than a century, so we look at serving our elders as serving the community. Helping them is helping our own family. That's why we are now - and have always been - a nonprofit rooted in faith.

No matter what propels their decision to turn to Brown - whether physical or financial - we want every elder in our care to feel that they're making a life change that's positive and proactive. One where they'll experience nurturing as much as nursing, companionship as much as compassion.

At Brown, we believe that elders deserve not only support, but stimulation and spontaneity. They deserve care that goes beyond their physical welfare to their emotional and mental well-being. They deserve an environment full of life and laughter, challenge and creativity. Most of all, we believe that to deliver care that truly cares, we must listen to and learn from our elders, treating them as people, not patients.

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