Greystone Country Estates

Fredonia, PA - Assisted Living

Community size: Large (26-100)

Residents at Greystone are provided with medication management by trained staff, help with tasks of daily living, diabetic and wound care, full housekeeping and laundry services. Three home cooked meals with snacks available for heart healthy diets. We at Greystone strive to keep our residents as independent as possible but provide the security needed for them to feel safe in their environment.

Greystone Country Estates cares about each resident and makes an effort to get to know each one individually. We want to keep our residents healthy and happy for as long as they're here.

Greystone Country Estates is able to help you continue your active and healthy lifestyle! Staying active in retirement is essential to your health! We plan activities to exercise your body and stimulate your mind! We offer daily activities open to all residents including monthly birthday celebrations, games, exercise, worship and more!

Several days a week we sponsor different games and activities for our residents. We play dice, Sequence, animal bingo, Yahtzee, Toss Up Dice, farmer bingo, and Po-Ke-No! Check out our calendar and come to the events that interest you!

Enjoy monthly celebrations for birthdays at Greystone Country Estates. We offer cupcake decorating parties and share sweet desserts and cake. Celebrating birthdays is an important part of appreciating every day and maintaining fun activities for our residents.

Don’t forget about exercise! It’s good for the mind and body. We make sure to offer fun exercise activities such as bowling, walking, dice golf, nature walks, water aerobics, physical therapy, and more.

Greystone Country Estates is committed to providing personal care and attention to each of our residents. Our facility offers private and semi-private accommodations and caring and highly-trained staff around the clock.

Our care plan includes: 24-hour professional staffing with assistance for daily tasks like bathing and dressing; dietary services with balanced, nutritious and tasty meals in a restaurant setting; assistance in scheduling doctor’s appointments and transportation when needed; professional monitoring and administration of all medications; and daily activities to keep you young at heart.

Rooms are elegant and fully carpeted with all utilities provided, as well as housekeeping and laundry services. We provide comfortable accommodations for couples, an array of activities for residents and their family members and churches within walking distance.

You will feel at ease knowing you are in a secure facility. Greystone is equipped with an emergency system that includes hallway surveillance, exit door alarms and emergency call buttons for each residents with immediate page response.

Our spacious, country grounds at Greystone are home to three Independent Living Duplex homes. Designed specifically for active seniors, our duplexes provide you the independence you want without the worry of security, maintenance or upkeep. No more lawn mowing or snow removal!

Each 1,200-square foot home features a single-story design and offers a quiet setting. All duplexes have two bedrooms, one bathroom, an attached garage and a rear patio lounge area. The exterior has a stately stone finish and the grounds are also home to a gardening area.

Duplexes are in close to proximity to Greystone, allowing you to participate in our fun social activities. Meal plans are also available. Residents in our independent living homes enjoy the comfort of knowing their future assisted living care needs are nearby at our main facility.

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