Saint Benedict Manor

Saint Benedict, PA - Assisted Living

Community size: Large (26-100)

Saint Benedict Manor is a Secure Memory Care and Personal Care Community. We are located in Saint Benedict Pennsylvania.

Being a Secure Dementia Community allows our Residents to live in a safe environment while being cared for. Residents love the freedom of our secure, yet private courtyard. Our courtyard boasts beautiful landscaping, swings and multiple gardens. We made sure that our gardens are wheelchair accessible so that all residents are able to enjoy them. Residents also enjoy playing games, gardening and visiting with family. Religious activities are also held at the manor.

You will appreciate the higher standard of living and the quality staff we offer. A skilled staff and licensed nurse provide 24/7 health care when needed. Furthermore they assist with the activities of daily living. That includes: grooming, dressing and help with using the restroom.

Inside of our Secure Memory Care Home, Residents gather in our communal living and dining rooms. We offer cozy, private bedrooms. Therefore, they are large enough to entertain visitors and loved ones. We take the responsibility of caring for our Residents very seriously. Most importantly, we aim to do everything possible to give them the best care. Our activities director is on site five days a week. Activities are planned for residents both indoors and outdoors. In addition, a registered dietician creates menus for our residents. Our dietary staff prepares meals from scratch. This gives our Residents a delicious homemade meal for breakfast, lunch and supper.

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