Comfortably situated on a hill overlooking 45 acres of gorgeous open countryside, SpiriTrust Lutheran, The Village at Shrewsbury is conveniently close to I-83, just four miles north of the Pennsylvania/Maryland border. With the YMCA, post office, library and pharmacy within walking distance, our community is an integral part of the greater community. Explore the historic village district, venture out to the area’s farmers markets and vineyards, or visit attractions and cultural events in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Lancaster and beyond.
A community like The Village at Shrewsbury empowers residents to live an active, independent lifestyle, while offering you the advantages of setting a plan in place for any future care needs, with the full continuum of health services we have available here.
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Time: 3 min 53 sec
Recently, we announced to our staff, volunteers, donors, residents and clients an exciting change that Lutheran Social Services of South Central Pennsylvania (LSS) is about to make. We wanted you to be among the first to know about this change as well. We are pleased to tell you that going forward LSS will be known as SpiriTrust Lutheran™. SpiriTrust Lutheran unifies all our services and programs under one name to better reflect our Spirit of Service and Legacy of Trust. This change in name will be articulated through a new look that will be reflected in all of our written communications and other visuals, including signage, uniforms, financial and legal forms, website and other materials. Over the last six decades we have grown tremendously beyond the provision of just social services. We now deliver an array of services and programs that touch more than 16,000 lives each year. Our service footprint has grown well beyond South Central Pennsylvania and now includes 17 counties in Pennsylvania and three in Maryland. For some time, we have realized that our name no longer expressed the totality of what we do or the geography of where we do it. Our name change is the culmination of a collaborative, intensive process during which we reflected upon our heritage, our service mission and our goals for the future. It is not just our new name, SpiriTrust Lutheran, but a whole new expression, that captures the essence of what we are and the care and compassion our amazing team delivers. It embraces our Lutheran heritage, our spirit of service and the reality that people come to us because of their trust in us. We expect to begin operating as SpiriTrust Lutheran sometime in March and will make an official announcement once we have received all our governmental approvals. Although our name will change, our commitment to helping others will not change as we move forward as SpiriTrust Lutheran™!
thank you for joining me today as we kick off an exciting new chapter at LSS as an organization we understand the importance of taking time to step back and survey our environment in order to ensure that we have best positioned LSS for the future a year ago lutheran Social Services of south-central Pennsylvania embarked on a journey to do precisely that through discussions with individuals throughout our organization and representatives from the communities we serve we quickly recognized this for LSS to succeed in the changing landscape of health care delivery we needed to re-evaluate how we are viewed by those outside our organization and how we go about our work within LSS most significantly LSS must be unified under one common brand a brand that embodies and communicates our promise unites us in a single purpose and tell those we serve what we stand for as our process unfolded we realize that our current name which has served us well for the last 20 years no longer reflects all we do or where we serve while we are all driven by a sense of mission that is deeply rooted in our Lutheran heritage and remain steadfast to our core values the truth is we do far more than our current name implies we no longer just provide social services and our service area footprint has grown well beyond south-central Pennsylvania so during this past year's journey we set forth some ambitious and exciting objectives regarding our brand which included finding a name that better articulates who we are today and helps us to embrace a future of growth expanded service and partnership while the abduction of a renewed brand is a significant change we also felt there were certain things that we could not compromise as we redefined our promise we cannot compromise our core values our Lutheran heritage our commitment to service and the quality of care people have come to expect from LSS so this year's journey of reflection discovery has led us to a new name one that will let those outside our team know all that we are and will serve to remind us what we are called to do as we move forward we will move forward together united under one name spirit trust loosely is not just our new name but a whole new expression that captures the very essence of who we are and the care and compassion that our amazing team delivers it embraces our Lutheran heritage our spirit of service and recognizes the reality that people come to us because of their trust in us over time Speer trusts Lutheran the name the look the meaning behind it will provide us with a powerful and more accurate foundation from which to tell our story of service of compassion and of mission my goal in sharing all this with you is simple but profoundly important is to encourage and inspire you our 1,400 employees to become enthusiastic ambassadors for our brand promise a promise to honor the spirit of our Lutheran heritage and to exceed the expectations of trust that have been placed in us as exciting as a new name may be is even more exciting to watch us living out what is behind that name living out a spirit of hope as we care for those we serve living out the legacy of trust that has been handed down to us that is my challenge to you and to myself to be living out spirit trust Lutheran every day to everyone we serve one child of God at a time thank you and God bless you for all you do